Chapter Six - Reader

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Reader's dress the day of the factory tour

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Reader's dress the day of the factory tour. 

The day has finally come! I still can't believe it. We're going to actually meet the famous Willy Wonka. I glanced down at Charlie. He was practically bouncing in his seat, grinning that the doors to the factory. I smiled softly to myself before looking around. I spotted my mother and Billy standing together. They both smiled at me and waved. Billy gave me a thumbs up.

Suddenly, I was blinded by a bright flash of light. I blinked and tried to readjust my gaze when another bright light flashed in my face. Okay, now I was getting annoyed. Finally, the flashing stopped just long enough for me to see a young guy with dirty blonde hair grin up at me. "Come on sweetheart. Give us a smile. You're easily the prettiest gal here. You'll be quite an attractive cover page for the paper."

I was definitely not impressed with his flattery. Seriously? Sweetheart? Give us a smile? Attractive cover page? Give me a break. Despite my annoyance, I tried to be polite. "No thank you. Please leave me alone."

The man's creepy smile faded into a scowl. "No, I ain't moving." Charlie glared down at the man and said, "Hey, creep. Leave my sister alone or else." The man laughed. "Or else what?" he mocked Charlie, making my blood boil.

I looked at Billy from the corner of my eye. He met my eyes and then followed my gaze back to the man. He gave a hard stare and nodded once before making his way over. Another flash of light nearly blinded me. "Or else you'll regret it!" Charlie snapped at the man before wrapping an arm around my waist almost protectively. 'Awww' My chest swelled with so much love for this little boy. He's more of a man than the creep standing in front of me...and he's only thirteen!

"Oh really? And what exactly are you going to do about it, little boy? Beat me up, ha!"

By now, Billy was directly behind the man with an angry scowl marring his features. Charlie saw this and smirked. "Who me? Nah, I'm not going to do that because I don't have to."

"Yeah? And why's that?" The creep smirked at us.

Billy leaned down near the man's ear and growled in a menacing voice, "Because that's my job, asshole." I decided to ignore Billy's swear word as I threw my own smirk at the man's frightened gaze. "I told you to leave me alone, but you didn't listen," I said in a sing song kind of voice. Billy roughly grabbed the man by his shoulders and the man began panicking. "Woah, woah, woah there big fella! I didn't know she was taken. I'll leave ya girl alone." Billy didn't even bother to correct him. What's the point? We'll never see that creep again...hopefully.

"You're damn right you'll leave her alone. I'm going to make sure of that!" Billy dragged the guy off, but not before shouting at the rest of the reporters. "And the same goes for the rest of ya! If any of you try to photograph this young lady without her permission, you best believe we'll have a private conversation with each other." The male reporters immediately began moving away from Charlie and I and towards the other contestants. Some of whom, were staring at us. I looked back at them. I was sitting on the very last chair at the end of the row with Charlie sitting right next to me. Mr. Salt was sitting next to Charlie. Veruca was, of course, sitting on the other side of her father. Then there was Mrs. Gloop and her son. Mr. Beauregarde was sitting right next to Augustus, with Violet on his other side. Finally, there was Mrs. Teevee and little Mike. Mike was dressed in a little cowboy outfit, and I had to admit he was pretty adorable.

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