Chapter Sixteen - Reader

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"Hey, Sugarplum," Billy said from behind the counter.

I paused from doing my homework and looked up at him, smiling. "Yes, Candyman?"

"Could ya do me a favor? Go outside and get that advertisement sign for Slugworth's new lollipops down? They're absolutely disgusting and we're pulling them from the shelves. No need to advertise for something that we're not gonna sell."

I wrinkled my nose. And he wonders why I'm not a huge fan of candy. "Sure!" I hop off the bar stool and run towards the door. Flinging it open, I failed to see the poor man on the other side until it was too late. I barreled into something solid, a small "oof" escaped my lips. All too soon I was falling but thankfully something soft cushioned my fall. Although, judging by the groaning coming from underneath me, I would say it was someone. Gasping in horror at the thought of hurting someone, I glance down at the person – no, the man – underneath me. Bright blue eyes blink up at me. He was...kind of strange. He had short brown hair and although some would probably consider his nose to be a bit too large for his face, I found that it suited him.

I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion. Our town was pretty small, and everyone knew just about everyone, but I couldn't place this gentleman. Perhaps he was new to town? We observed each other for a moment longer before he broke out into a large, somewhat crooked smile. "Well, hello there," he said softly. Oh, wow! His voice is very pretty!

Blushing at that thought, I squeak out, "H-Hi!" Realizing that I was still laying on top of him, I blush even harder and scramble to get up, horrified at my lack of manners. "I am so sorry, sir! I should have been watching where I was going. Are you hurt?"

I peer down at the man worriedly, offering my hand to him. He gently takes my hand and I pull back with all my might (which isn't very much) and help him sit up. Chuckling, he peers up at me. "It's quite alright little one. I suppose I should have been paying attention as well. Although it is a bit hard to see over the top of that box," he jutted his chin over to a rather large cardboard box that tipped over because of our collision.

Frowning, I go over and attempt to place the contents of the box that was spilling out back in when something catches my eye. Without even thinking about it, I pull out a chocolate bar, but not just any chocolate bar. 'Angel's Chocolate Delight' was written in a beautiful large, loopy script. The name "Wonka" was above the name of the candy bar. It was a very pretty wrapper, with a golden tin foil wrapping and the lettering was a glittering silver. Gasping, I realized that this must be a Willy Wonka product. But that's impossible. Billy said that the man had been missing from the scene for years. Realizing that I was being rude by prying, I gently placed the candy bar back in the box and pushed it towards the man, who was still staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, again," I say contritely.

He smiled gently at me before standing up and dusting off his trousers. Just as he was about to speak, the door opened, and Billy came out. Startled, he looked back and forth between me and the man before narrowing his eyes. "What's going on here? Are you alright Sugarplum?"

"Yes," I say quietly, blushing. "I accidently ran into this man here as I was coming to take down the Slugworth sign." Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that the man frowned fiercely at the chocolatier's name. 'Hm, I suppose he was one of the unfortunate souls who tried Slugworth's new candy,' I thought to myself.

"Uh huh," Billy said, never taking his eyes off the man. The man, I could tell, seemed tense and stared back at Billy with cold eyes. "Haven't seen you around these parts before, fella," Billy continued. "Are you new in town or just passing through?" He crossed his arms and eyed the poor man up and down.

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