Chapter 1: The First Wave

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(Your p.o.v)

I was standing in the kitchen of my brother's apartment which I gues was also my apartment now. I was making myself some pancakes for breakfast and Buck was still asleep upstairs. I heard a knock on the door so I walked over and opened it. I saw Buck's best friend Eddie and his son Christopher. I smiled and said "Hey come on in. Buck is still asleep upstairs." They smiled and walked in. Eddie walked upstair and I shut the door than turned to Chris and said "Do you want some pancakes?" He nodded and said "Yes please." I smiled and walked into the kitchen and plated some pancakes for him. I plated some for myself than walked over to the couch where he decided to sit. I heard Eddie and Buck walking down the stairs. When they got downstairs Buck picked up a takeout box off the table and looked in it than threw it back on the table. Eddie looks at him and says "Stop feeling sorry for yourself." Buck turned around and Chris said "Hey Buck."

Buck smiled than walked over and said "Hey buddy. What are you doing here?" Eddie walks over and says "I need you to watch him I have work." Buck looks at him and says "What about Carla?" Chris says "She went to Morongo." I smiled at him and Eddie said "So take him out and have fun." Buck nods and Eddie hugs Chris than leaves. When he leaves Buck said "So what do you do for fun." Chris shrugged and I said "We should go to the pier." Chris smiles and says "Yeah." Buck nods and says "Okay. I'll go get ready." I smile and finish my pancakes than go and get ready also. When we were all ready we left for the pier.

(May's p.o.v)

Me and my mom where at the nail salon getting our nails done. I didn't want to come I wanted to stay home and work on college applications, but my mom made me come. I was zoned out thinking about my college applications when Tammy the nail technician put her hand on my leg and said "I'm gonna miss this one when she goes off to college." I sighed and said "If I even get accepted to any college's I haven't even finished any applications." My mom looked at me and said "Not this again. You are smart you will get accepted." I sighed and turned away from her. When we finsihed with our nails I quickly got to the car wanting to get home.

(Your p.o.v)

Me, Buck and Chris have been at the pier for about and hour. Chris won a giant teddy bear at one of the games and now we were standing and looking at the water while Buck sat on the bench holding onto Chris's shirt. As we were standing there I noticed the water staring to recede quickly. I turned to Buck and said "We have to go now." He looked at me and said "Why?" I pointed and her turned to look and Chris said "Where did all the water go?" Right as he said this the piers alarms went off. Buck picked up Chris and said "Run." We started running. Buck stopped when we got to a game booth and put Chris down in it. I got in after and held Chris. Buck jumped into the booth right as the tsunami wave washed over the booth.

I held Chris as we got washed away. When we surfaced I grabbed onto a light pole with one hand as I held Chris with the other. I heard Buck calling our names so I started looking around for him. I saw him and said "Buck where over here." He looked over and started to swim to us. When he got close enough Chris tried to reach out to him, but he couldn't reach. Buck floated farther away and grabbed onto a string of lights. He looked at me and said "Y/N let go I will catch you I promise." I nodded and let go of the pole. I felt Buck grabb me and I breathed a sigh of relief. He smiled and said "I've got you guys. Do you see anywhere we can go to be safe?" I look around and see a fire truck. I look at him and point behind him and say "There's a fire truck." Buck looks and lets go of the rope holding onto us and he tries to get to the fire truck. When we got to the truck Buck helped us up onto the truck than ducked under the water as some debris banged into the side of the truck.

(May's p.o.v)

Me and my mom were driving home from the nail salon and arguing slightly. As we were arguing another car ran into us. She looked at me and said "Are you okay?" I nodded and said "Yeah." We tried to open our doors, but we couldn't. She grabbed something out of the glove box and I said "Where did you get that?" She looked at me and said "Your step-father now shield your eyes." I turned away and she broke her window than climbed out. When she was out I climbed over the center consle than climbed out the window. There were so many crashed cars. A lady said "Something is wrong I'm on with 911, but I'm on hold." I looked at my phone when I got a alert and said "It's a tsunami it took out the pier."

A/N: please let me know if you like this because I already have four other chapters ready to publish and I'm working on another one but I won't post them if people don't like this.

Aftermath: A May GrantXFemale Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now