Chapter 7: Crush Talk

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~~A week after the mall incident~~

(Your p.o.v)

I was laying in my bed staring at the ceiling thinking about May. I have a major crush on her and I want to tell her, but I'm scared that it will ruin or frienship. I grab my phone and send a text to Maddie that says 'You have the day off today right?' I scroll through something's while I wait for her response. She responded a few minutes later saying 'Yeah why?' I sent a text that said 'Can you come pick me up in 20 minutes I want to talk to you about something?' She responded immediately 'Yeah.' I smiled and got out of my bed and got dressed in a black shirt careful of the wrap and my cast. I put on some black sweats and rainbow vans putting my hair in a ponytail. I grabbed my phone off my bed than walked out to the living room and said to Buck "I'm going out with Maddie." He nodded and said "Okay just make sure you bring your keys because I'm going out with Eddie soon." I nodded and went back to my room and gabbed my keys. I waited at the kitchen counter on my phone for Maddie to get there. I got a text from Maddie that said 'I'm outside the building.' I stood up and said "Buck I'm leaving now Maddie is here." He yelled back "Okay see you later." I walked out of the apartment and walked to the elevator clicking the number for the lobby. When I got outside the building I looked for Maddie's car. I saw it and walked over getting in the passenger's seat.

As I got in she said "Hey what did you want to talk about?" I looked at her and said "Can we go to that café down the block and talk? I'll buy you coffee." She nodded and started driving. When we got to café we got out and order coffee. We went to sit at a table and Maddie said "Okay talk." I look at her and say "I have a crush and I'm not sure I should tell her." Maddie smiled and said "Does this crush happen to be on a certain girl named May Grant?" I smiled and said "Maybe, but that's not the point how do I tell her especially if I don't want to ruin our friendship if she doesn't like me back." She reached across the table and grabbed my hand and said "I am 90% sure she likes you back you're great. Now about the telling her you just have to do it if she doesn't like you back than she doesn't like you back and you will get past that." I nodded and said "Okay she's coming over to Buck's later for a movie night I'll tell her than." Maddie smiled and we talked about a few more things berfore she drove me back to Buck's apartment.

(May's p.o.v)

I was sitting at the dining table tapping my finger on the table nervously waiting for my mom to get home. I heard the front door open and yelled out "Mom is that you?" I got a response "Yeah May." I said "Can you come to the dining room I want to talk to you about something?" She walked out to the dining room and sat next to me at the table. She looked at me and said "What do you want to talk about baby?" I bite my lip slightly and said "Well there is this person I like and I don't know how to tell them I like them especially because we are friends and I don't want to ruin our friendship. How should I tell them?" She nodded and said "Well tell me about this person and why you like them." I smiled and said "Well she is smart and gorgeous and she is brave and cute and she makes me feel happy." She smiled and said "Well since I have a pretty good idea of who you are talking about I think you should just tell her when I drive you to her apartment for a movie night tonight because I am sure she likes you back." I smiled and said "I knew you would know who I was talking about." She laughed and said "Well speaking of your movie night tonight are you ready to go because I'm ready to go when you are." I nodded and said "Yeah I just have to get something real quick." She nodded and I stood up and walked to my room grabbing my phone and a chapstick. I walked back out to the dining room and said "I'm ready." My mom stood up and we walked to the car.

(Your p.o.v)

I was in the living room setting up for the movie night I had just ordered a pizza and a bunch of candies and snacks. I was placing the blankets and pillows I had gotten out of my room on the floor in the living room. I had moved the coffee table so I could make a little blanket fort on the floor. Right as I finished the fort I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and was greated by the pizza delivery person and the deliverer for the snacks. I smiled and gave both guys a tip taking the food from them. I walked to the living room and placed the pizza box on the ground in front of the fort. I opened the bag of snacks and placed them on the floor so the labels on all of them could be seen. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a few plates and opened the fridge grabbing out a soda for me and May's favorite soda for her. I walked back to the living room and placed everything down than walked to the door when I heard a knock. I smiled when I opened the door and saw May. I moved out of the way so she could come in and said "Hey May you ready for a movie marathon?" She nodded and said "Yeah, but I wanted to talk about something first." I nodded and said "I did too why don't you go first." She took a deep breath and said "Well I just wanted to say that um... well... I... you know what screw it I love you." I smiled and mustered up as much confidence as I could and moved closer to her kissing her. She kissed back wrapping her arms around my neck. I placed my hands on her hips and pulled back from the kiss and rested my forehead against hers and said "Be my girlfriend?" She smiled and said "Of course." I smiled and leaned into kiss her again.

When we pulled away from the kiss I said "Okay well now that we talked about that let's watch some movies." She nodded and I pulled her over to the living room. She smiled when she saw the blanket fort and said "This is cute." I smiled and said "Thanks, but um just so you know this doesn't count as a first date I want to do something more special for that." She nodded and said "Okay." I smiled and we settled in the fort and put of the first movie and each grabbed a slice of pizza. We eat while we watched the movies and when we done we cuddled under a blanket and held hands. We fell asleep cuddled in the fort about halfway through the 6th movie.

Aftermath: A May GrantXFemale Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now