Chapter 9: Sleepover [Smut]

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Warnings: fingering, cunnilingus

~A week later~

(Your p.o.v)

I was in my room getting ready for a sleeover with May tonight. It isn't the first time she has slept over, but it is the first time since we started dating. Buck was on shift today so it was just going to be us at the apartment. I had gone to the store earlier and got some snacks and a few other things. I finished setting up my room and walked out to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I took a drink of water than put the glass down on the counter when I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and saw May and her dad standing there. I smiled and said "Hey May. Good evening Mr.Grant." He smiled and said "Y/N please call me Michael." I nodded and said "Okay Michael." May looked at me than turned to her dad and hugged him saying "Bye dad." She walked into the apartment and her dad waved at us than walked away. I shut the door and turned to May. She smiled at me and moved closer to me kissing me. I smiled into the kiss and placed my hands on her hips pulling her closer to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and tangled her hands in my hair. I pulled back from the kiss and smiled and said "You look amazing tonight." She smiled and said "Thank you." I smiled and said "What do you want to do?" She tilted her head like she was thinking than said "Can we order a pizza and play some video games?" I nodded and said "Of course my love." I grabbed my phone and ordered a pizza than turned to May and said "So what do you want to play?" She smiled and said "Mario Kart." I nodded and said "Do you want to play in the living room or my room." She said "Your room." I nodded and we walked over to our room.

(May's p.o.v)

I sat on Y/N's bed as she set up the game. She finished setting up the game than walked over to the bed and handed me a remote. She sat on the bed next to me and we started playing. Y/N won the first two rounds we played and I won the next two. We were about to start a new round when there was a knock on the door. Y/N got up and walked out of her room. She came back a few minutes later with the pizza and a few plates. She sat everything on the bed and opened the box. I smiled and took a slice of pizza placing it on a plate. Y/N grabbed a piece and took a bit than put it on the plater picking up the controller. She looked at me and I picked up the remote also and we started the round. She won the round and smiled turning to me and saying "What to watch some tv or something while we eat than we can play again." I nodded and said "Yeah let's watch Youtube." She nodded and turned Youtube on and put on a video. She moved slightly closer to me and we ate the pizza and laughed at the video every once in a while. We finished the pizza and we both got changed into our pjs than we played more games. Y/N was winning the majority of the games and I was getting bored. I turned to her and said "Can we do something else baby?" She looked at me and said "Like what love?" I put the controller down and moved to straddle her lap saying "Well I was thinking we could you know because we are here alone..." I started rambling and Y/N put her hands on my cheeks and said "Just say it love." I bit my lip and said "Make love to me." She smiled and said "Are you sure?" I nodded and said "Yes I'm really sure." She smiled and moved her hands to my hips flipping us over.

She leaned down and kissed me running her hands up my side. Her hands ran back down my side and slid under my shirt. She pulled back from the kiss and said "You sure about this?" I nodded and said "Yeah I'm sure." She nods and takes my shirt off. She leans down and kisses down my neck and chest leaving hickeys every few kisses. She pulled back and looked at me. She leaned closer to my lips and whispered "I love you." I whispered back "I love you too." She smiled and leaned in and kissed me passionately. Her hands slowly slid down my body and tugged at my pants and underwear. She slowly took my pants and underwear off than ran her hands up my inner thighs. She pulled back from the kiss and pulled her shirt over her head.

(Your p.o.v)

I threw my shirt on the floor and rubbed my thumbs on the inside of May's thighs. She bit her lip and said "Please Y/N." I smiled and took two of my fingers and ran them through her slit. I bit my lip when my fingers were meet with her wetness. I pulled my fingers away and slowly lowered my head down to her core. I licked up her core and swirled my tongue around her clit making her moan. I started to suck on her clit and she grabbed onto my hair. I continued to suck on her lit bringing two fingers up and pushing them into her. I pumped them in and ouf her at a quick pace curling them occassionally. She started moaning and letting curse words slip out of her mouth. I pulled my mouth away from her clit and replaced it with my thumb as I looked at her. I bit my lip than leaned down to kiss her neck sucking a hickey onto her pulse point. She moaned and said "Shit Y/N I'm gonna cum." I smiled and pulled back from her neck and said "Really than cum baby." I kissed her neck again and moved my fingers faster. A few seconds later I felt a warm liquid coat my fingers. I helped her ride out her high than slowly pulled my fingers out of her. I pulled back and looked at her and wipped my finger on the bedsheets. She smiled and said "That was amazing." I smiled and said "Yeah it was." I laid down next to her and pulled her into me. I kissed the top of her head and she rested her head on my chest. She closed her eyes and I pulled a blanket over her. She opened her eyes for a second and said "I love you." I smiled and said "I love you too. Now sleep baby." She closed her eyes again and a minute later her breathing became steady. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep as well.

~The next morning~

(May's p.o.v)

I slowly opened my eyes than groaned when I was meet with the bright light of the sun. I turned over and expected to see Y/N, but she wasn't there. I heard some noise in the kitchen so I got up and put on my underwear than walked over to Y/N's closet and put on one of her hoodies walking out to the kitchen. I smiled when I saw Y/N standing at the oven cooking. I walked over and wrapped my arms around her waist. She turned her head to look at me quickly and smiled saying "Good morning love." I leaned my head on her shoulder and said "Good morning baby. What are you making?" She turned back to face the stove and said "Eggs and bacon with chocolate chip waffles." I kissed her neck and said "Sounds delicious." I unwrapped my hands from her waist and sat on the counter near the stove watching her cook. After a few minutes she turned off the stove and served the food onto plates. We walked over to the table and sat down and started eating. When we were done Y/N brought the plates to the sink.

She turned to look at me and I walked over to her and placed my hands on her hips kissing her. She smiled into the kiss and picked me up. I squealed out of suprise and she put my on the counter. I smiled and wrapped my legs around her waist pulling her closer. She bit my lip slightly and I opened my mouth and her tongue slipped into her mouth. We pulled back when the front door opened and we heard Buck say "Seriously you guys the kitchen." Y/N turned to him and said "We were just talking and you and your girl toy have done way worse in here." Buck rolls his eyes and says "That's different and also why do you insist on calling Taylor my girl toy." She smiles and says "Because you are toying with her feelings. You love Eddie and you just haven't realized it yet, but when you do you are gonna end up hurting Taylor." I chuckled slightly and Y/N turned back to me and smiled and said "Let's go to my room." I smiled and hopped off the counter and we walked to her room.

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