Chapter 15: New Job

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~About a month later~

(Your p.o.v)

     I was standing outside the fire station very nervous. I had recently finished training to be a firefighter and I had been placed on the team at the 118. The only people who know are Bobby and May because I wanted to surprise Buck. I took a deep breath than walked inside and to where Bobby's office was. I knocked on the door and heard a come in so I walked in. Bobby looked up and smiled at me and said, "Oh welcome Y/N are you ready to start your first day." I nodded and he said, "I put your uniform in the locker room. I'll take you there and you can change than I'll take you to the team." I nodded and he stood up and we walked out of his office. We got to a locker room area and Bobby said, "Go on in there is a uniform hanging on a open locker and that locker is you so you can put your bag in there." I nodded and walked into the locker room. I changed quickly than walked out of the room and said, "Okay I'm ready." Bobby nodded and we walked upstairs. The team was there with their backs to us. Bobby cleared his throat and the team turned around and faced us. Bobby said, "I would like to introduce you to the newest memeber of the 118 family. You all already know her, but please welcome Y/N to the team." Buck looked at me and said, "How dare you not tell me you got placed on this team I knew you completed the firefighter training, but how dare you." I laughed and said, "It was suppose to be a surprise only Bobby and May knew." He smiled and walked over and hugged me and said, "Well consider me surprised little sis. Welcome to the team." I smiled and said, "Thanks Buck." We started talking with the rest of the team for a while before the alarm went off. We all got on the truck and left the station. We got to a apartment building that was on fire. We all hoped out of the truck and Bobby said, "Okay we are first on scene that's means we're in charge. Y/N and Eddie I want you on evac. Hen and Chim I want you checking on people as they get out. Everyone else start running lines to get this fire out." We all nodded and me and Eddie got our gear on and made our way into the building. Eddie started evacuation on the first 2 floors and I headed up to the 3rd and 4th floor. I knocked on all the doors of the 3rd floor and told all the people that they needed to evacuate because there was a fire.

     After I completely cleared the 3rd floor I made my way up to the 4th floor. Clearing the 4th floor was just a precaution because we believe most people have already evacuated because the fire originated from this floor. When I got to the 4th floor I put my mask on beause the floor was engulfed in smoke. I went around knocking on doors and listening to see if I could hear any noises on the other side of the door. Most of the doors I knocked on there was no sound from behind the door, but one of the doors I knocked on I could hear someone yelling and it sounded like a kid. I broke the door open and walked in seeing three kids sitting together on the floor. I walked over to them and kneeled down to their height saying, "Hey I'm here to help are you all okay?" They nodded and the oldest looking one said, "We're fine. What's going on we heard yelling and stuff. I wanted to see what was going on, but I couldn't reach the door handle." I nodded, "There's a fire, but don't worry I'll get you out of here. Where are your parents?" The girl shrugged, "I don't know our mom left us all alone after lunch." I nodded, "Okay. How old are all of you?" She said, "I'm 4 and my sisters are 2 and 1." I nodded and said, "Okay I'm gonna go check to see if it's safe to take you all out in the hallway, but I'll be right back." I went back to the door of the apartment and looked through the door seeing the path I had taken to get here was now engulfed in flames. I looked back over at the three girls then clicked the button on my radio and said, "Cap I'm at the end of the 4th floor with three minor girls. The path I used to get here is completely engulfed in flames." I released the button then heard a crackle and I heard Bobby start to say something then all of the sudden a boom sounded and the building shook like something had exploded. I fell back when that happened then quickly got up and ran to the girls standing next to them just in case something else happens. I clicked the button on my radio expecting to hear the crack that signals it is working, but nothing happened. I looked down at the girls and said, "Do you guys have any towels?" The oldest nodded and pointed in the direction of a hall and said "In the closet." I nodded and quickly ran to the closet and grabbed three towels before I looked around for the bathroom. When I found the bathroom I walked over to the sink and turned it on soaking all three towels in water. I walked back to the girls and hand the older two of the girls a towel. I took my mask off, putting it on the youngest because I knew she wouldn't be able to hold a towel to her face by herself. I looked at the other two and said, "I want you to hold the towel to your mouth as tight as you can it will protect you in case the smoke comes in. My team knows where we are they should be coming to get us, but until then I will try and find a way to get us out." They nodded and held the towels to their faces. I took off my jacket wrapping it around the girls as they all huddled together.

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