Chapter 13: Prom

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~A month later~
(May's p.o.v)
I was with my mom at the mall. We are shopping for a prom dress and so far, we haven't had much luck. Prom is in two days, and I haven't even gotten my dress, or my nails done yet and both things had to happen today, or we wouldn't have time. I wanted the dress to be perfect because I invited Y/N to be my date to prom and I wanted to look perfect. Y/N graduated from high school while she still lived with her parents, and she didn't go to her prom because she didn't have anyone to go with and she didn't want to go alone. Y/N hasn't told me exactly what she was going to be wearing, but she told me that it is navy blue, so I was looking for something to match that. We walked into another store and started looking at dresses. My mom held up a dress and said, "How about this one?" I looked at it and said, "It's beautiful I'll try it on, but let's try and find a few others first." She nodded and we continued looking ending up with four dresses to try on. We walked over to the fitting rooms, and I walked into one while my mom waited outside. I tried on a short dress first and I didn't like the way it fit on my body. I showed my mom anyways and she said, "I think it looks great, but let's see the other ones." I nodded and walked back into fitting room to try on the other dresses. Two of the dresses didn't fit at all so that left the first dress my mom picked out. As soon as I put the dress on, I knew it was the one and I smiled to myself as I looked in the mirror. I took a breath before walking out the door to show my mom. I smiled and said, "I think this is the one." She looked at me and said, "It's beautiful. You're beautiful. Now get you regular clothes on so we can buy the dress than go get your nails done." I nodded and walked back into the fitting room. I got my regular clothes on than walked out of the room. I gave my mom the dress to buy while I put the other dresses on the return rack. I walked over to my mom, and she had already paid for the dress and now the cashier was putting it in a dress bag. The lady handed my mom the dress and we walked out of the store and towards the parking garage of the mall. I got in the car while my mom hung the dress from one of the hands thingy people hold onto. Mom got in the car, and we started the journey to the nail salon. I have decided that I want to get all of my nails besides the middle ones done with a matte navy-blue color and the middle ones will be done with a glittery navy-blue.

(Your p.o.v)

I was with Maddie at a tailor shop. We were getting my suit for May's prom tailored to fit me perfectly. May didn't know I was wearing a suit yet because I wanted it to be a surprise. I looked at Maddie and said, "Do you think may will like my suit?" She looked at me and said, "I'm sure she will love your suit because you look fantastic in it and that girl looks at you like you put the stars in the sky. She loves you and she would love anything you wear." I nodded and before I could say anything else a tailor walked out and looked at me and said, "We are ready for you." I stood up and grabbed my suit from Maddie and followed the man into a room. The guy took me to room than he left for a few minutes so I could put my suit on. He came back a few minutes later and knocked on the door before he entered. The man kept trying to make small talk while he tailored the suit, but I kept zoning out missing most of his questions. It took about three hours for the suit to be completely tailored. When the suit was done the man left the room again to let me get changed again. I changed and placed the suit back in the black bag I bought it in than left the room to go back to Maddie. When she saw me, she got up and we walked to pay. The tailor shop guy told us the price and Maddie reached into her purse to grab her wallet. I stopped her by pulling out my own wallet and handing the guy my credit card. Maddie looked at me and said, "You have a credit card?" I nodded and said "Yeah. I thought I told you I got a job." She nodded and said "You did, but you didn't tell me about your credit card. If you were paying and you could have driven yourself, why did you need me here?" They guy handed me my card back and I thanked him before turning to Maddie and saying, "I wanted someone to come with me and Buck said no." She laughed and we walked out of the tailor shop and to her car.

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