Chapter 12: Sick Talk[Smut]

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~Three Weeks Later~

Warnings: Fingering

(Your p.o.v)

I was laying on my bed with May. I had my arm wrapped around her and she was just laying there staring at the ceiling. I kissed the side of her head and rubbed her arm saying "You okay?" I knew she wasn't because she recently found out that her dad has a brain tumor. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I hugged her tightly and said "It will be okay." She said "There's a chance he won't survive this and that is bigger than the survival rate." I sat up and climbed off my bed walking to my dresser opening the top drawer pulling out a photo album. I walked back over to the bed and said "Sit up." She sat up and I said "I want to tell you something and I have never told anyone this so only my family knows." She nodded and said "Okay." I took a deep breath and said "When I was four I suffered from acute liver failure. I was in the hospital for almost two years before they found a donner liver. Maddie and Buck were the only ones to ever visit. When I was in the hospital Maddie told me about our dead brother Daniel and how our parents wouldn't come to see me because they didn't want to deal with the sight of another sick child." I opened the photo album to a picture of me, Maddie and Buck in a hospital room on my 5th birthday. She looked at it and said "You look awful in that picture. And that is awful what your parents did." I smiled and said "I know I looked awful. I couldn't eat anything and if I did I immediately threw it up. I was tired all the time and my stomach always hurt. And my parents are just awful in general. The only time they came to the hospital was after the transplant and I was cleared to go home and they had to come pick me up. The doctors didn't think I would survive because of how little I was,but look at me." She smiled and looked at me. I smiled and said "I'm sure your dad will be fine and I will be here for you ever step of his cancer journey." She bit her lip slightly than leaned forward and kissed me. I kissed back and put my hands on her hips.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and slowly fell back on the bed pulling me with her. I pushed the book onto the floor and straddled her lap. Pulling away from the kiss to kiss her neck. I bit her neck gently before soothing over the spot with my tongue. I pulled away after a few minutes and put my hands and on them of her shirt and said "Can I?" She nodded and said "Yes." I smiled and pulled her shirt over her head throwing it on the floor. She looked at me than down at my shirt and I smiled pulling my shirt off throwing it with hers on the ground. I slowly ran my hands up her side to her chest massaging her breasts through her bra. She moaned quietly and I smiled and moved my hands away letting them travel down her body. My hands stopped at her waist and I looked up at her. She smiled and said "You can take them off." I smiled and pulled them off dropping them on the ground with the rest of our clothes. I ran my hands up her thighs than said "Are you sure about this?" She nodded and I smiled and kissed her while I pulled her underwear off and let my fingers brush past her center.

(May's p.o.v)
I moaned into Y/N's mouth when her fingers brushed past my entrance and she slipped her tongue into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her impossibly closer. I felt her slip a finger into me and I pulled away from the kiss throwing my head back against the pillow. I felt her start to kiss my neck again as her finger moved in and out of me at a slow pace. I moaned and said "Y/N please go faster." I felt her smirk against my neck and she started to move her finger faster. After a minute she added another finger into me and I bit my lip to keep from moaning loudly. Her fingers moved in a steady pace and I knew I was going to cum soon. She used her thumb to start rubbing my clit and I said "Shit baby I'm gonna cum soon." She went to say something, but the door to her room swung open and she stopped her fingers and turned around pulling the blanket to cover us and said "Jesus Buck ever heard of knocking." Buck blushes and looked away and said "Oh my god I'm sorry. I just wanted to tell you that Bobby and Athena and Eddie are on their way over for dinner." He quickly left the room shutting the door.

Y/N looked at me and said "Looks like we will have to finish this another time." I groaned and Y/N smiled and kissed me quickly before saying "Just ask your parents if you can spend the night and we can finish later." I nodded and she got off my lap and off the bed grabbing her shirt and throwing it on before she walked to her bathroom to fix her hair. I got up and put on my clothes before I joined her in the bathroom. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and leaned my head on her shoulder looking at her through the mirror. She smiled and said "You are so cute." I smiled and hide my face in her neck giggling. She turned around and kissed my forehead than said "Let's go see if Buck needs any help with dinner." I nodded and grabbed her and we walked out to the kitchen area. When we got there Y/N said "Hey Buck need any help." He shook he head not turning to look at us and said "No thank you you can go sit in the living room or something." We nodded and walked over to the living room.

(Your p.o.v)
Me and May sat on the couch talking until I heard a knock on the door. I looked to Buck who was busy in the kitchen and said "I'll get it." I walked over to the door and opened it seeing our three dinner guest. I smiled and let them all in saying "It's great to see you all again. Please come in. Buck is in the kitchen working on dinner and May is sitting in the living room." Mrs. Grant said "Oh May's here?" I nodded and said "Yes I thought you knew she said she texted you when I picked her up." She nodded and said "I just haven't been on my phone today." I nodded and shut the door before walking over to the living room. I sat back down next to May on the couch and the others joined us and we sat talking for a while until Buck yelled "Dinners ready." We all got up and walked to the dining table and sat down. The dinner was nice and the conversation was good and everyone was laughing.

A/N: I won't be writing this week so this maybe  the chapter of anything that is updated this week because this chapter was already done. I will not be writing because my family has to put one of our dogs down and we've had this dog since I was 6 so it's been a rough day.

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