Chapter 4: Living In The Aftermath

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~~A few days later~~

(Your p.o.v)

     I heard a beeping noise and felt a hand in my. I slowly opened my eyes than closed them quickly closed them again because of the bright light. I opened them again and looked to my right. I saw Buck sleeping holding my hand. I squeezed his hand and he slowly woke up. He looked at me and said "Oh my god you're awake." He got up and walked over to the door and opened it he called out "Hey Maddie doc she's awake." He walked back over to me and Maddie and the doctor walked into the room. The doctor looked at me and said "How are you feeling?" I smile and say"I feel good.How long have I been here?" Maddie said "A few days." I nod and look at Buck and say "How is Chris?" He smiles and says "He is fine because of you." I smiled and say "Great. When can I get out of here?" The doctor says "If all of your test go well today than tonight." I nod and he leaves. I talk with Maddie and Buck for a little until the have to leave to do things.

(May's p.o.v)

     I was on my phone doing somethings when my mom called me over to play a game with them. I sighed and walked over and sat down smiling. The aftermath of the tsunami has been taking a big toll. It was was taking a toll on me experiencing what I did during the tsunami. I have been having nightmares, but I haven't told anyone. As we were playing the game mom said "We invited Buck over for dinner and if his sister is out of the hospital than she is coming too. She is about your age May." I looked at her and said "Buck has another sister. Why is she in the hospital." Bobby said "She was hurt during the tsunami."I nodded and we continued to play the game until Bobby and mom started to get ready for the dinner.

(Your p.o.v)

     The doctor finished my tests and said "You are good to go. Just come back if you feel uncomfortable or any excessive pain." I nodded and the doctor walked out. Buck walked in and said "Hey I stopped by the apartment on my way over and got you some clothes just incase you were free to go." I smiled and said "Thanks because I am free to go." He smiled and handed me the clothes and said "Go change and we will head over to Bobby and Athena's house." I nod and walk to the bathroom in the room and change. I signed the discharge papers and me and Buck left the hospital. We drove to their house and when we got there we got out and Buck knocked on the door.

     A young girl around my age opened the door and invited us in saying "They're here." We walked in and two people walked up to us and Buck said "Hey guys thanks for inviting us." The man said "It's no problem we love having you over Buck and we wanted to know Y/N better." I smiled and said "I'm glad to meet you." The woman said "It's nice to meet you I'm Athena, this is my husband Bobby, the girl who opened the door is May and that is Harry sitting over at the table." I nodded.

(May's p.o.v)

     I walked over and sat down at the table and so did Buck and Y/N. Mom came and sat down while Bobby brought the food over to the table. We ate and talked a little but not a lot. When we were done eating I walked out to the backyard. Y/N walked out and said "Hey can I sit with you?" I nodded and we both sat in the grass. She looked at me and said "On the way over her Buck told me how you saved someone during the tsunami." I nodded and said "Yeah I did. Her name was Vicky. I thought she had died, but when the paramedics got her out of the car they said she had pulse. I heard you got injured what happened?" She looked at the grass and said "Me, Buck and Christopher were at the pier when the tsunami hit. Buck saved us we were safe until the water started heading back to sea and Chris fell in and I fell in trying to save hime. I walked around holding him for hours. I knew I was injured I could feel it and I felt weak, but I powered through it to protect Chris. I saw so many bodies as we were walking." I went to say something, but Buck opened the door and said "Hey Y/N we have to go." She looked at him and said "Okay just give me a minute." He nodded and walked back inside and she looked at me and said "Can I see your phone?" I nod and hand her my phone. She puts her number in and says "I'm gonna need to get a new phone, but it will have the same number. Text me some time." I smiled and nod as she gets up and leaves with Buck.

Aftermath: A May GrantXFemale Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now