Chapter 5: Nightmares Begin

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~About a week later~

(Your p.o.v)

I was laying on the couch in Buck's apartment texting May. We have been texting constantly since I got my new phone. I sent a text that said 'Hey do you think your mom would drive you over here?' She quickly replied 'Let me ask.' I got up and went get a soda from the fridge leaving my phone on the couch. Buck wasn't here right now and I was scared for reason. I heard my phone go off so I quickly walked over and pciked it up. I saw a text from May that said 'We are on our way.' I smiled and sent back a text that said 'Okay see you soon.' I walked back to the kitchen and started grabbing snacks.

(May's p.o.v)

Me and and my mom were in the car driving to Buck's apartment building. As we were driving I was looking through mine and Y/N's texts and it made me smile." Mom quickly looked at me and said "Why are you smiling so much?" I looked at her and said "It's nothing." She nodded as we pulled in front of the building. She stopped the car and said "I will pick you up later." I nodded and got out of the car walking into the building. I over to the elevator than waited for it than got in and pushed the button for the floor I wanted.

(Your p.o.v)

I was making some pizza rolls when I heard a knock on the door. I walked over and opened the door. I smiled when I saw May and said "Come on in." She smiled and walked in and said "Thanks for inviting me over." I grinned and said "Thanks for coming over. There are some snacks in the living room on the coffee table and I am making pizza rolls right now." She nodded and walked out to the living. I walked to the oven when the timer went off and grabbed the pizza rolls. I accidentally touched the pan with the hand that didn't have a hot pad and said "Shit." I heard May yell "Are you okay?" I yelled back "Yeah I'm okay I just accidentally touched the pan and burned my hand." I put the pan on the counter than walked to the bathroom to treat the burn. I ran it under cold water than put burn cream and antibiotics on it than wrapped it in gazue. I walked back out to the kitchen to plate the pizza rolls. I took the plated pizza rolls to the living room and placed them on the coffee table than sat on the couch so I was facing May. She moved to sit the same way.

(May p.o.v)

Me and Y/N have been sitting and staring at each other for a while. She said "Have you been having nightmares of the day of the tsunami?" I nod and say "Yeah every since that day everytime I close my eyes I see Vicky, but she is bleeding everywhere and it never stops even when she dies and whenever I get out of the car all the water that was on the ground that day is blood and it keeps rising until I am submereged. Do you get nightmares?" She nods and says "Yeah, but they are never the same. Sometime it's about all the bodies I saw that day, but everytime I walk they double so I try to stay still, but I am forced to move. Other times it's about what if I didn't save Chris and myself. I'm scared to go to sleep so I try not to." I nod because I do the same thing. I say "The only time I sleep is when I don't have to the engery to fight it anymore." She nods and says "Me too. I tried talking to Buck about it, but he thinks I am being overdramatic." I looked at her and said "My mom won't even let me mention the word tsunami." She smiled and said "At least we have each other." I smiled and said "Yeah." We talked for a little longer than decided to watch TV.

Aftermath: A May GrantXFemale Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now