Chapter 6: Facetime Naps

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Warnings: Strong language, a bit of homophobia and sexaully harassment.

(May's p.o.v)

Me and Y/N were on Facetime. It was around 2 in the morning. I was tired and I could tell Y/N was too. I yawned and Y/N said "Are you tired?" I nodded and said "Yeah, but the nightmares have been getting worse so I don't want to sleep." She smiled and said "Same here." I smiled and we tried to contiune talking, but ever few minutes one of us would yawn. Y/N sighed and said "We need sleep." I nodded and said "Yeah, but I don't want to fall asleep alone." Y/N tapped her finger on her chin like she was thinking than said "What if you don't have to? If we just stay on Facetime while we are asleep we will be together and if one of us wakes up from a nightmare we know the other is there with us." I nodded and said "I like that idea." She smiled and laid down and positioned her phone so I could see her. I did the same and she said "Goodnight May." I smiled and said "Goodnight." She closed her eyes and so did I.

(Buck's p.o.v)

I walked to Y/N's room to check on her like I have been ever since the tsunami. Normally when I checked on her she was awake, but tonight she was asleep. I walked over and pulled her blanket over her more and kissed her forehead more. That was when I noticed her phone was on Facetime. I smiled when I noticed May's name and slowly walked out of the room quietly shutting the door.

~~The Next Morning~~

(Your p.o.v)

I slowy woke up as the sun shined into my eyes from my window. I turned over and saw May still sleeping on Facetime. I stared at her for a while before I realized how creepy that was. I got out of the bed and started to get readey for the day leaving Facetime on just in case. I took off my pajamas and walked into my closet to pick out some clothes. As I was standing in my sports bra and a pair of ripped skinny jeans I heard May call my names from my phone. I called back "Good morning. I'm here I'm just getting dressed." I grabbed a red and black flannel and put it on leaving it unbuttoned. I grabbed a black snapback and put it on a belt loop of my pants quickly so I could put it on after I brushed my hair. I walked over to my bed and plucked the phone of the charger and walked into my bathroom to brush my hair. I leaned the phone against the mirror and smiled at May when I saw her face. She smiled back and said "Good morning." I grabbed my brush and said "Hey Buck gave me some money and is letting me use his car I'm gonna go to the mall want to come I can come pick you up." She nodded and said "I would like that." I smiled and said "Great I'll pick you up in 30 mintes." She nodded and said "Okay bye." I said "Bye." I hung up the Facetime and put my phone in my pocket.

I finshed brushing my hair and put the snapback on than walked back to my closet and grabbed some black socks and my black hightop converse's. I put them on than walked to the kitchen. On the counter I saw Buck's keys and some money along with a note that said 'Y/N I am trusting you with my car so if anything bad happens you will be in so much trouble.' I smiled and grabbed the keys and the money. I walked back into my room to grab a wallet and a backpack and some more money I had saved in a drawer. I also grabbed my keys to the apartment than I walked out of the room and out of the apartment making sure I locked it. I walked to Buck's car and got in starting the car and driving to May's house. When I got to May's house I got out of the car and walked up the the door and knocked. Her mom opened the door and I said "Hello Mrs. Grant I'm here to pick May up." She smiled and said "Hello Y/N please come in I will go see if May is ready." I walked into the house and akwardly stood in the living room while she went to get May. May walked out of her room and said "Hey you ready to go." I nodded and quickly checked her out before I started walking towards the door. When we got out I walked over to the passenger's side of the car and opened the door for May. When she was in I walked around to the drivers side and got in then started to drive to the mall.

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