Chapter 3: Surviving

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(Buck's p.o.v)

I was walking around calling out for Y/N and Chris and asking people if they have seen them. As I was walking I noticed Chris's glasses on a pile of debris. I picked them up and hoped this didn't mean anything bad. I heard a lady yell about a kid being trapped under some debris and I quickly rushed over and had a guy help me get the debris off the kid hoping it was Y/N or Chris. It wasn't either of them. I looked at the group of people that was around and said "Have any of you see a teenage girl and a 8 year old boy." They shook their heads, but one of the guys said "They might be at the cupcakery a few blocks away." I thanked him and started walking that way hoping they where there.

(Your p.o.v)

I had started walking again after a while and now it was starting to get dark. I was walking around looking for any other people. I somehow got mixed into a big group of people. I didn't know where they were going, but the were other people so I followed them. I was staring to feel really bad and I knew I definetly have some internal injures, but I powered through the pain I was feeling for Chris. I looked at Chris and said "Are you still doing okay?" He nodded and I smiled at him.

(Buck's p.o.v)

I made it to the cupcakery, but they weren't there. I knew I had to keep moving, but I was weak and bleeding. After I drank some water and got a bandage for my arm I started walking again. I had asked some people if they knew anymore places where survivors where going and some of them said that there was a VA hospital a few blocks away. That was where I was headed and if they weren't there I didn't know where else to go. It was dark now and I hated that Y/N and Chris were alone in the dark after a tsunami.

(Your p.o.v)

I was walking with the big group and I was starting to struggle with holding Chris. One of the ladies in the group said "I can hold him for a little if you want." I nodded and thanked her. When she grabbed him I could tell he was cold so I took off my jacket and put it on him. That's when I noticed a cut on my arm. As we were walking we saw a giant explosion and two mail trucks driving away from it. The trucks stopped in front of us and some fire fighters got out of them. The numbers on the firefighters uniforms said 118 I think that was Buck's team, but I can't remember. I was relived, but also scared because I was definetly was about to pass out and I definetly have internal injuries. One of the firefighters walked up to me and I was about to say something about Buck and Chris, But before I could I passed out.

(Buck's p.o.v)

I got to the VA hospita and asked one of the people if I could use her phone. She let me and I immediately called Maddie. When she answered she said "Hello?" I said "Hey Maddie it's me." She said "Buck where are you? I don't recognize this number." I replied by saying "I borrowed someone's phone. Maddie I need your help." I heard her moving around than she said "Okay, um, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I said "It's not me. Ealier Eddie came over and dropped Chris off with me and Y/N. He thought that taking him out would get me out of my funk. Maddie I took them to the pier we were there when the tsunami hit." She gasped and said "Oh my god you were there." I sighed and said "Yeah. Maddie I had them and we were safe on a fire truck. When the water started to recede they fell off. I jumped in the water after them, but I couldn't see them. I still haven't found them I don't even know if they are alive or together anymore." She started asking if I had checked the VA hospital I told her that was where I was. I looked around and I saw Eddie. I quickly hid behind a tent and said "Eddie's here." She said "Does he know? If not you have to tell him." I was about to say something when Eddie spotted me.

I hung up the phone as he walked up to me and said "Buck what are you doing here? Where's Chris?" I looked at him and said "We were at the pier I tried to protect them we were on a ladder truck, but the fell off and I can't find them." He looked at the glasses around my neck and said "Who's them? Who else did you lose?" I sighed and said "Y/N was with us. I think she fell in trying to save Chris. I jumped in after them, but I couldn't find them. I'm so sorry I couldn't find him." He looked behind me where Bobby had just come in with the others and said "Chris." I looked at him confused and he said "Buck turn around." I turned around and saw a woman carrying Chris and a firefighter holding Y/N. When I saw this I started breathing heavily. Bobby walked up to me and said "Are you okay?" I nodded and looked at the firefighter carrying Y/N as the walked past and said "Yeah is she?" Hen and Chimney said "You know her?" I nodded and said "Yeah she's my sister. She was with me and Chris at the pier. She fell off the ladder truck we were on with Chris." Bobby nodded and said "She should be fine she definatly has internal injuries and she passed out in Chimney's arms when we found her with that group of people." I nodded and started to fall over, but they all caught me.

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