Chapter 11: Christmas

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~Two Months Later~

(Your p.o.v)

      I was at the firestation with May and a bunch of other people including her family. It's Christmas and the firefighters had to work, but Buck had the idea that the families suprise the firefighters so he got Athena to help set it up and she recruited me and May to help. We had decorated and we had presents and food. I was standing behind May with my hands on her hips as we waited for the team to get back from a call. Harry and Denny walked over to us and said "Hey Y/N want to come play pinball with us?" I nodded and let go of May's hips and kissed her quickly before I followed the two boys to the pinball machine. When we got to the pinball machine Denny could barley see the game so I grabbed a chair so he could kneel on it. Denny played the game first and got a decent score. Harry played next and he got a slightly higher score than Denny. I stepped in front of both boys so I was standing in front of the game and said "You guys ready to have your scores beaten." They laughed and said "You can't beat our scores." I laughed and started to play the game. As I was playing both boys started tickling my sides and I laughed and it distracted me from my game and I got a lower score than both of them. I looked at them and said "That's cheating. I'm gonna get you guys." They started running and I ran after them. They ran down the stairs and I ran after them, but stoppd at the bottom of the stairs when I noticed the firetruck backing in but the boys don't notice and we they notice I'm not runing after them they turned and stopped right where the truck was backing up and said "Come get us Y/N." I ran over to them and grabbed both of them and fell out of the way of the truck with them. I landed on my back with both boys on top of me. I looked down at them and said "You guys okay?" They both said "Yeah we're okay." I nodded and laid back because that was very painful. I heard some yelling, but just stayed laying back. 

(May's p.o.v)

     I ran down the stairs with my mom nad Karen when we saw Y/N save Harry and Denny from being hit by the firetruck. We got down there and both the boys were standing up, but Y/N was still laying on the ground. My mom and Karen ran to the boys and I ran to Y/N and said "You okay love?" She nodded and said "Yeah I'm fine my body just hurts a little." I nodded and reached my hand out to help her up. She stood up and Karen and my mom ran over and hugged her thanking her. She smiled and said "You guys are welcome." They smiled and walked back upstairs with the boys. I turned to her and smiled and wrapped my arms around her neck and she placed her hands on my hips. I leaned into kiss her, but berfore our lips could touch we heard people yelling our names from upstairs. I moved away from her and grabbed her hand and we walked upstairs. We sat with everyone at the table and everyone started eating. After everyone ate me and Y/N went downstairs again. As we were walking downstairs Y/N grabbed her backpack of the couch. We walked outside and I leaned against a wall and Y/N walked over to me and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around her neck. She pulled away from the kiss and said "Do you want your presents now?" I nodded and said "I would like that, but let me go get my presents for you first." She nodded and I ran inside and grabbed my moms keys and ran to her car getting the bag of presents I had for Y/N. I ran back to Y/N and said "Okay I'm ready." We sat down on the ground and Y/N put her backpack in front of her and opened it she pulls out a bag and hands it to me and I hand her the bag I have and she says "Open yours first." 

     I nodded and pulled something out of the bag and unwrapped it. It was a box so I opened it and smiled seeing a necklace that said my name. There was another box in the bag and I took it out. The box had a ring that was a infinity symbol with my birthstone and Y/N birthstone. I smiled and said "Thanks love." She smiled and said "You're welcome, but you should look on the inside of the ring." I nodded and looked on the inside of the ring and saw that it was engraved with the words 'to my girl.' I smiled and said "I love it thank you. Now open your presents." She smiled and pulled the first thing out of the bag. The first thing she pulled out was a sketch book and a bunch of art supplies. She smiled and placed the things to the side than pulled another things out of the bag. The second thing was a costum phone case that had both mine and Y/N's initials in a heart with a infinity sign. She smiled and pulled her phone out of her pocket and took off her old case and put on the new one. Y/N pulled the last thing out of the bag and it was a pair of navy blue converse. She smiled and said "I love all the presents thank you baby." I smiled and said "Your welcome." She leaned over to kiss me and I moved into her lap wrapping my arms around her neck and she put her hands on my hips. We both pulled from the kiss when Harry ran out and said "May Y/N mom wants to take a group photo come on." We stood up and grabbed our things than walked inside. 

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