Chapter 16: Moving Out

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~About two months later~

(Your p.o.v)

          I was standing in my new apartment with my hands on my hips looking at all of the boxes scattered around the place. I was trying to decided which room to start unboxing in first. I already had all of my furniture set up so now I just had to worry about unpacking. I decide to start in the kitchen because I'll have the least amout of stuff for that room and then I'll also be able to cook dinner tonight. I start to unpack the four boxes in the kitchen mostly containing plates, cups, silverware and pans. I put everything in the cabinets that I had chosen as the designated cabinets for the specific items. Once I was done in the kitchen I broke down the boxes that everything came in and moved onto the living room unpacking the few boxes that were in there. I broke down those boxes too then decided to take the pile of boxes out or the recycling bin in the apartment complex. The walk to the complex recycling bin from where my apartment was was slightly far, but I didn't mind. When I got to the recycling dumpster I thought I heard something so I stopped to listen but there was nothing. I threw the boxes in the bin and started to walk away stopping once more when I heard the noise again. It sounded like a baby crying so I thought it was just coming from one of the apartments around. That was until I heard a little bang from inside the dumpster then some crying. I walked over to the dumpster and opened the lid looking inside seeing a little baby boy no older then 4 months old. He was completely naked and shivering a little. I look around for anyone then reach down and pick the poor baby up and bounce him a little. I look around again then decide to take him back to apartment and call Bobby and Athena to figure out what to do. I also decide that I would call a social worker I had been talking to ever since I found those three kids during that apartment fire so I could become a foster parent. When I got back to my apartment I picked up my phone from where it was resting on the kitchen table. I start to walk towards my bedroom as I dial Bobby's number. He answer after a little while and says, "Hey Y/N I was just about to come over to your place May asked me to bring her." I put the phone on speaker as I grab a diaper from a stash I had and a random shirt as I said, "Oh that's great actually anyway you can bring Athena with you too?" I hear some noise on the other side of the phone as he says, "Um yeah I'll go tell her to get ready. Why though?" I lay the baby on the bed and put the diaper and shirt on him, "I um found a baby in the dumpster." It's quiet on the other end for a little before I hear three voices say, "What?!" I pick up the baby and grab my phone turning it off speaker as I say, "I know crazy. The poor guy was completely naked and is no more then four months old." After I said this I heard a bit of commotion on the other end of the phone then heard Bobby say, "We'll be right there." He hung up before I could say anything else. When he hung up I dialed the number for the social worker. She answered after a few rings and I said, "Hey Emily is there anyway you could come over to my apartment?" I hear some papers shuffling on the other end of the phone then she said, "Why Y/N I'm already schedule to come over on Thursday after you get all settled in your new apartment?" Right as I go to say something the baby starts to cry and I bounce him a little as I say, "I found a baby in a dumpster so I need help. I have my girlfriends parents coming over they are a cop and a firefighter so they can help me check on the baby until you get here..." Before I could say anything else she said, "I'll be there as soon as I can see you then." She hangs up and now all that's left to do is wait for everyone to get here. I bounce the baby a little as I walk over to the stash of baby stuff I have and grab a bottle thinking the poor guy is probably hungry. I give the bottle a quick wash then grab some formula from the pile of baby stuff and I start to make a bottle. I situate the baby so I'm craddling him in my arms and I hold the bottle to his mouth and wait for him to start suckling. 

(May's p.o.v)

          Me, Bobby and my mom just arrived at Y/N's new apartment complex. Y/N had texted me the gate code for the complex so I told Bobby and he typed it in. He drove past the gate and we started looking for Y/N aparment number. I see Y/N car and point it out to Bobby and he parks next to her car and we get out of the car. We walk over to the row of apartmen and I see Y/N's apartment number so I walk over and knock on the door. She answers the door after a few minutes holding a sleeping baby in her arms. She smiles and whispers a little, "Hey guys come on in." We walk in and Bobby shuts the door behind us as my mom says, "I thought you said he was naked when you found him Y/N?" Y/N looks at her, "Oh he was I put these clothes on him." I knew why Y/N had the clothes, but she hadn't really told other people that she's been trying to become a foster parent. Bobby and my mom look at her a little confused and she said, "I've been trying to become a foster parent. I actually have a social worker on the way over." They nod a little and I take the baby from Y/N as Bobby says, "So tell us how you found the baby?" She looks at him, "Well I was taking some empty boxes out to the recycling bin and I thought I had heard a noise, but I didn't hear it again so I threw the boxes in the bin and started to head back. I heard some crying and thought it was just coming from one of the apartments near the dumpster so I continued leaving, but then I heard a bang from the dumpster and the crying got louder. I opened the dumpster and he was inside completely naked. I brought him home and dressed him while I called you." Bobby nods and he says, "I'll give him a quick check up." I hand him the baby and there's a knock on the door. Y/N walked over and opened the door smiling a little as she said, "Hey Emily come on in." A tall brunette walks in and Y/N walks over to us and says, "Emily this is my girlfriend and her mom and stepdad. Guys this is Emily the social worker I've been talking too." Emily smiles at us and says, "It's nice to meet you all Y/N has told me so much about you." Bobby and my mom shook her hand as Y/N took the baby back from Bobby and Bobby said, "He appears to be perfectly healthy." Y/N nods and looks at Emily, "So what do we do now?" Emily looks at Y/N and says, "Well now I take him and get him a name so I can do some paperwork before I find a nice family to put him with for the time being." Y/N looks down at the baby in her arms and says, "What if he stayed with me? I know the apartment isn't completely ready,  but my brother is coming over tomorrow to help with the rest of the furniture. I have a steady job and the city works with a few daycares to provide firefighters with free daycare. If I have to work late my sister or May could watch him." Emily looks at her, "I don't know Y/N are you sure you would be prepared for that?" Y/N nods as she bounces the baby as he starts to fuss a little, "I'm ready. I'm prepared with supplies and I'm prepared mentally and physically." Emily slowly nods, "Okay I have the paperwork needed, but he still needs a name. I have a list to pick from or you can come up with one." Y/N nods and looks down at the baby, "Well he kind of looks like a James." Emily nods, "Hmm okay James it is. He will be give a random last name for now." Y/N nods and we all walk over to the dining table. I take the baby from Y/N as she gets ready to sign all the paperwork.     

(Your p.o.v)

          I sit at my dining room table sitting across from Emily as she gets some paperwork out of the briefcase she has. She places the papers on the table and slides them over to me telling me where to sign. I read over the papers a bit before I start to sign them and she gets more paperwork out of her briefcase. I move the papers I sign into a pile as she pushes more papers to me to sign. Once I'm done signing I pass all the papers back across the table to Emily. She checks all the papers and smiles as she adds some of her own signatures places. She looks up at May after a bit and says, "How old are you May?" May looks at her, "Um 17 my birthday is in a week." Emily nods, "Would you like to sign too so you are both James's foster parents for the time being. Even though you aren't 18 yet this is a special circumstance. Only sign if you really want to." May looks at me and I stand up putting my hand on her shoulder, "You don't have to baby it's totally up to you." She hands James to me and sits down to sign the papers. When she's done she stands up again and I walk over to kissing her passionately as I hold James. She pulls away and I smiled at her, "Looks like we're a family." She smiles and giggles a bit as she nods, "Looks like we are." I smile and wrap one arm around her waist as I hold James in the other arm. Bobby and Athena walk up to us and Bobby says, "Well congratulations you two. Y/N you should probably tell your siblings about this." I nod, "Yeah I'll go call them now." They nod and May says, "We'll start unpacking the rest of your stuff for you and Bobby can put the furniture together." I nod and grab my phone then walk to my bedroom. I sit on the bed cradling James n my arms as I dial Maddie's number first. She picks up after the third ring and says, "Hey Y/N. How's moving into the apartment going?" I smile as I reply, "It's going good really. May, Bobby and Athena are here helping me unpack. Oh and I'm a foster parent now." I heard something drop on the other end of the phone then a small gasp as Maddie said, "You're a what now?" I chuckle a little, "It's a long story, but if you would like to come over and find out more can you pick Buck up on the way." I hear some rattling and she says, "We'll be there in 45 minutes." She hangs up and I smiled to myself as I stand up. 

          I walk out to the living room. As I walk into the room and Bobby said, "I saw the box that said crib and set that up first so you can put James down so you don't have to carry him while he sleeps." I nod and smile at him, "Thank you." He nods and I walk over to the crib and slowly put James down making sure he stays asleep. Once he's in the crib I go and start to help with the unpacking. Soon there is a knock at the door ad Athena walks over to answer letting Maddie and Buck in. They both look at me and walk over to me and Maddie says, "So what's this about you being a foster parent?" I lead them over to crib so they can see James and I whisper, "I found him naked in the dumpster. I was already doing the work to become a foster parent so it was easy to be able to have him stay with me." They look down at him then look up at me and Buck whispers, "He's so cute sis I'm proud of you and how far you've come since mom and dad kicked you out." I smile at him and tear up a little as I hug him. Maddie joins the hug and says, "I'm proud of you too Y/N." I smile and look over at May seeing her smiling at me. I wave her over to join the hug and she runs over and we all hug.      

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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