Chapter 8: First Date

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~A Week Later~

(Your p.o.v)

I was standing in my closet trying to decided what to wear on mine and May's first date. My rib was healed so I didn't have the wrap on my chest anymore, but I did have a wrap on my hand because the doctor decided that the cast had healed my hand mostly and because I didn't want a cast anymore he said we could just wrap it. I had planned everything out before hand except for my outfit. I know it had to be something casual because that's how I told May to dress and because we were just going out to dinner than going to an arcade. I let my hand slide over the t-shirts that were hanging up and stopped on a navy blue Fleetwood Mac shirt. I took it off the hanger and put it on. I then opened my pants drawer and picked out some simple light blue skinny jeans. I put them on a tucked the shirt into them grabbing a black belt and putting it on. I grab some white socks and red checkered vans. I put them on than walked over to my bathroom. I turned on my curling iron so I could curl my hair a little. As I waited for it to heat up I brushed my hair and put on some watermelon chapstick. I curled my hair than unplugged the curling iron. I walked out of the bathroom and back to my closet taking a black and white flannel off it's hanger and putting it on. I also grabbed a hoodie and another jacket to keep in the car just in case me or May got cold. I walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone. I sent May a text that said 'I'm on my way see you soon.' I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my wallet off my bedside table walking out of my room. I walked towards the door and grabbed the keys to the car that Buck got me than walked to the living room and said "Hey Buck I'm leaving. I'll be back later." He nodded and said "Okay go have fun on your date." I smiled and walked out of the apartment.

(May's p.o.v)

I was in my room getting ready when my phone went off with Y/N's message tone. I picked it up and saw a text that said 'I'm on my way see you soon.' I smiled and sent a text back that said 'Can't wait to see you and see what you have planned.' I put my phone back down and continued to get ready. I had curled my hair and now I was putting on a little bit of makeup. I walked out of my room and walked to the kitchen where my mom was and said "So how do I look?" She looked at me and said "You look beautiful as always." I smiled and said "Okay, but do you think Y/N will like?" She smiled and said "I've seen the way that girl looks at you she would like whatever you were and she will think you look beautiful in anything." I smiled and heard a knock on the door. I went to go open it, but Bobby beat me to it. He opened the door and said "Y/N it is good to see you." I heard her say "Bobby it is nice to see you. Is May ready yet?" I said "Yeah I am ready just let me grab my phone from my room first." I walked over to me room and picked up my phone than walked out to the door. Y/N looked at me and said "Wow you look beautiful. I mean you always look beautiful, but wow you look even better than normal." I smiled and said "Thank you. You look great also." She smiled and said "Thanks. You ready?" I nodded and she held her hand out to me and I grabbed it and we walked out of the house and I shut the door behind us. We walked over to her car and she opened the door for me. I smiled and turned to face her kissing her quickly. I pulled back and she smiled and I got in the car.

She walked around and got in the drivers seat. She put her seatbelt on and started the car. She started to drive and I said "So where are we going?" She reached over with one hand and grabbed my hadn interlacing our fingers and said "First we are going to dinner than we are gonna go do something fun, but you will find that out later." I smiled and nodded and said "Can I play some music?" She nodded and said "Go ahead love." I blushed slightly at the nickname and let go of her hand for a second so I could connect my phone to the bluetooth of her car. I grabbed her hand again as she started to hum along to the song that started playing from my playlist. After about two songs we pulled into the parking lot of a Olive Garden. She pulled into a parking spot and stopped the car. She let go of my hand and got out of the car as did I. She walked up to me and grabbed my hand as we walked into the restaurant. We walked up to the hostess and Y/N said "Hey we have a reservation under the name Y/N." The hostess nodded and said "Okay follow me." We followed her to a table and sat down and she handed us menus than said "You sever should be with you soon." We nodded and she walked away. I picked up the menu and started to look through it. A guy came over and said "Hello ladies I will be your server tonight can I start you off with drinks?" I order a sprite and Y/N order a Coke.

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