Chapter 14: Birthday Party[SMUT]

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~2 Weeks Later~

Warnings: Oral sex, Strapon use, fingering

(May's p.o.v)
I was at Buck's apartment helping him get set up for Y/N's birthday party. Y/N was out with Maddie right now because she didn't know we were throwing her a birthday party. Me and Buck were putting up some streamers and talking. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and put down the streamers I was holding and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I saw that Y/N sent me a message that said, 'Hey love can I come over later?' I sent back a text that said, 'Sorry baby my mom is sick so you can't.' I felt bad lying to her, but I couldn't tell her the truth. A few seconds later she sent a text that said, 'Oh okay I'll talk to you later than love.' I put my phone back in my pocket and continued to work on the decorations. After about 20 minutes we were done with the decorations and people were starting to arrive. Eddie and Christopher were already here and my mom had texted saying her, Bobby and Harry were about 10 minutes away. I was talking with Chris on the couch as Eddie and Buck worked together in the kitchen to finish up the snacks. I heard a knock on the door and got up and said, "I'll get it." I walked to the door and opened it smiling when I saw my mom, Bobby and Harry as well as Hen, Karen and Denny and Chimney was there too. I let them all in and said, "If you want to say hi to people Buck and Eddie are working on snacks and Christopher is in the living room. We're waiting for dad to get here than I will text Maddie to bring Y/N back." They all nodded and everyone disappeared. They all put presents on the table with Buck's presents and that's when I remembered that my presents for her were still in the backpack I brought. I walked to Y/N's room which is where I put my backpack because I'm spending the night even though she doesn't know that yet. I grabbed the present out of my bag and walked back out to the other room. As I walked past the door there was another knock and I opened the door and saw my dad. I smiled and said, "Hey dad please come on in." He walked in and I took the present he was holding and took it to the table with mine putting them with the others. I walked to the kitchen and said to Buck, "Everyone is here so I am going to text Maddie to bring Y/N back." He nodded and I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent the text to Maddie.

(Your p.o.v)

I was in the car with Maddie because she had taken me out to lunch for my birthday. I looked at the text May sent me about not being able to come over and sighed, putting my phone in my pocket. May didn't tell me happy birthday yet and we've been talking since 8 o'clock this morning. We were stopped at a light and Maddie looked over at me and said, "What's up?" I looked at her and said, "I think you're the only person who remembered my birthday. Before we left earlier I asked Buck if he wanted to go to dinner later and he said he had plans with Eddie. May also hasn't wished me happy birthday yet." She looked back at the road and said, "I'm sure they didn't forget completely Y/N. Maybe...." She trailed off when she her phone buzzed and she looked at it. She looked at a message and said, "I have to take you home now." I looked at her and said, "Okay." I leaned my head back against the headrest and stared out the window the whole way back to the apartment building. We got back to the apartment and I got out and so did Maddie. I looked at her and said, "Are you coming up?" She nodded and said, "Yes I want to talk with Buck." I nodded and we made our way into the building and on to the elevator. When we go to the apartment I used my keys to unlock the door and it was suprisingly quiet and dark. I threw my keys on the table by the door and let Maddie walk in first. I walked in and turned the lights on jumping when everyone jumped out and yelled surprise. I put my hand over my chest and said, "Jesus fuck." Maddie looked at me and said, "Watch your langauge." I looked at her said, "Sorry. You all scared the crap out of me." May walked from behind everyone and walked up to me and kissed me and said, "Happy birthday baby." I smiled and said, "Thanks love." I grabbed her hand as we walked around talking to everyone. After I thanked everyone for wishing me happy birthday me and May quietly made our way to my room.

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