Chapter 10: Farris Wheel Kiss

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~A week later~

(May's p.o.v)

     Me and Y/N were at a fair that was in town. We were walking around looking at all the games trying to decide which one we wanted to try. Y/N stopped in front of the balloon dart game and said "Let's try this one." I nodded and Y/N paid for darts for both of us. We each got four darts and we took turns throwing them at the balloons. I only hit one of the balloons which meant I didn't win a prize, but Y/N hit all four balloons so she won a prize. She pointed to the prize she wanted and the booth guy handed it to her. She turned to me handed me the bear and said "For you love." I smiled and kissed her cheek saying "Thank you." She smiled and grabbed my hand as we walked to do the next thing. We saw a teacup ride and Y/N turned to me and said "Want to ride that one?" I nodded and said "Yes." We got in line and held hands as we waited. When we got to the front of the line we showed the guy our wristbands which allowed us to go on all the rides. He let us in and we walked over to one of the teacups getting in. We sat with the bear Y/N won in the middle of us. The ride started and we started spinning.

(Your p.o.v)

      I looked over at May while the ride was going and smiled when I saw how happy she was. When the ride stopped we both slowly got off. I grabbed her hand when we were off the ride and said "So how do you feel about getting some ice cream than playing one more game than go on the farris wheel?" She smiled and said "That sounds like a lovely plan." I smiled and kissed her quickly. We walked hand in hand over to the food stalls and got in line for the ice cream. The line moved quickly and soon enough we were in the front of the line ordering our ice cream. I ordered a chocolate ice cream and May ordered a strawberry ice cream. I paid for the ice cream than we walked over to a table to sit down and eat it. We finished our ice cream and got up and walked to the game booths to try and find a game to play. We decided to play a ring toss game and we were both really bad at it. After the game we went and got in line for the farris wheel. The line for the farris wheel was long. As we were standing in line May started to shiver slightly so I unzipped my jacket and pulled it off placing it over her shoulders. She smiled at me and said "Thanks love." I smiled and said "Anything for my girl." She smiled and leaned over and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss than pulled away when the line moved forward a little. We were a few people away from the front of the line. I wrapped my arm around May's shoulder and pulled her slightly closer to me. She smiled and said "I love you." I smiled and said "I love you too." I kissed her cheek than we moved forward and now we were at the front of the line. When we finally got on the ride we held hands as the ride slowly started to move. The farris wheel stopped at the top of the ride and I looked over the edge thinking that people were getting on or off, but no one was getting on or off. 

     I looked at my watch and realized that it was 8 o'clock which meant that there was going to be a firework show and they had to stop all rides even if people were on the rides. I looked at May and said "The firework show is about to start and we have the best view." She smiled and leaned her head on my shoulder and I squeezed her hand. I kissed her forehead and she looked up at me and smiled. I leaned into kiss her and our lips touched right as the first firework went off. I put my hand on her cheek and swiped my tongue over her bottom lip and she opened her mouth and I slipped my tongue into her mouth. I pulled back from the kiss and ran my thumb across her cheek and said "You are so pretty. I love you so much." She smiled and said "I love you too." I kissed her again than pulled away and turned to watch the fireworks. After the fireworks end the ride moves again and soon we are back at the bottom getting off. When we are off the ride I look at her and say "Is there anything else you want to do before we leave love?" She shook her head and said "Nope everything has been perfect tonight and I don't need anything else tonight." I nod and grab her hand as we walk towards the parking lot. When we got to my car I opened the passenger door for her than walked to the drivers side. I got in and started the car. I slowly backed out of the parking spot and started the drive to her house. When we got to her house I parked next to the curb and turned to look at her and said "I had a great time tonight." She smiled and said "So did I." I kissed her quickly than she got out of the car. I didn't drive away until she had walked through the door of the house. 

Aftermath: A May GrantXFemale Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now