Chapter 2: Lost

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(Your p.o.v)

Me, Buck and Chris were sitting in the bed of the fire truck and I heard a lady calling for help. I looked around than looked at Buck and said "Go help her I'll stay with Chris." He nodded and got up grabbing the firehouse and started to walk over cars creating a guide line with the hose. While he was doing that I took my phone at my pocket to see if it was usable at all. It wasn't so I put it on the truck beside me. Buck and the woman made it back to the truck and I saw a bunch of other people. Chris looked and said "Buck look people." Buck looked than he turned to the lady and said "Can you watch them?" She nodded and sat next to us while Buck went to get the other people. As we were sitting there I held Chris tight."

(May's p.o.v)

My mom was ahving all the people that were in the crash helping each other out. She walked over to a van and asked a lady if she was okay. She called me over and I ran over. I got into the van and she said "Put pressure on her wound while I get the first aid kit." I agreed after being slightly scared. I talked with the lady. She started to pass out so I went to get out of the car calling out for my mom. She looked at me and said "May stay in the car until I tell you otherwise." I looked down at the water in the street and the down powerline and understood why. I moved back in the van and tried even harder to help the lady, but she was bleeding a lot.

(Your p.o.v)

Me, Buck and Chris were sitting on the fire truck. Buck was checking on some of the people he saved and me and Chris were playing Ispy. Chris didn't quite understand the game because he just kept yelling out the things that he was spying. As we were sitting there some debris with dead bodies on it was washing by so I picked Chris up and sat him on the edge of the truck pretending to spy something far away. While Chris was sitting on the edge of the truck the water started to go back to sea which shook the truck make Chris fall. I tried to catch him, but I ended up falling in as well. When we fell I quickly grabbed onto Chris and tried to call out to Buck, but we kept bobbing in and out of the water and soon enough I could no longer see Buck or the fire truck.

(Buck's p.o.v)

When the water started to recede I turned to look at Chris and Y/N, but they weren't there. I looked at the people closes to where they were and said "Where are they?" One of the ladies pointed at the water. I quickly looked over the side of the truck and couldn't see them. I jumped in the water and started swimming and yelling out for them. I couldn't see them anywhere.

(May's p.o.v)

Vicky started to lie down and I said "No don't lie down." Vicky looked at me and said "It's okay." I said "No. It's not." I took off my jacket and put it on her wound and said "You are going to stay awake so I never have to tell your family how you died in my arms." She kept trying to lay her head down, but I made sure she didn't. I heard sirens and my mom calling me. My mom climbed into the car and Vicky was passed out in my lap. I looked at my mom and said "I tried to keep her awake, but I couldn't." Me mom nodded and helped me out of the car. When I got out of the car it felt like everything was moving in slow motion. The paramedics got Vicky out of the car and I heard one of them say "We've got a pulse." I walked over to my mom and said "She's alive." She nodded and said "Yes baby she is alive because of you." I started crying because I was scared and greatful.

(Your p.o.v)

Me and Chris had floated until we were no longer in any water. I looked at Chris and realized that he had some how lost his glasses while we were floating. I stood up and picked him up and said "Are you okay Chris?" He nodded and said "Yeah. Where are we?" I looked around and said "I have no idea." I started walking while I held him. I needed to find a phone because than I could call someone like Maddie or Eddie. I saw a group of people and walked over to them and said "Hey do any of you have a phone that works?" They all shook their heads and said "No sorry." I smiled and said "It's okay." I started walking again looked for any street signs that were still up. After a while I got tired and I could tell I was definetly injured so I decided to sit on a curb for a little.

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