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"Tell me, how do you define love?"


Warnings: Smut, sexual references, dark topics, yandere behaviour, gore, possessiveness, drug use, death, includes the mention of bullying, fights, physical and verbal abuse and Polyamory.

This is a Hwang Hyunjin Centric fanfic!


Gasping for air, the dark haired male clawed at his chest, fighting to breath as he heaved water out of his system. He could barely focus his eyes as he felt his body strain to even move. The rain hitting him lightly. "I'm insane" he muttered, voice hoarse before he turned to lay on his back. Finally taking notice of one missing shoe. "Huh, they stole my shoe" he grumbled.

"HWANG HYUNJIN!" a voice called out, at the top of their lungs making the said boy flinch, eyes widening at the familiar voice.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" he whined quietly, voice still barely loud enough for him to even hear as he forced his body to continue moving. His clothes stuck to his body like weights, cold and heavy as he walked lopsided down the road.

"Did you seriously think you could hide from us?" Yes, yes he could. Or well, Hyunjin hoped he could've. Though it was now obvious his hopes were just hopes. "No matter where you move, we will find you, remember that Hwang" he whispered venomously. His lips close to the tallers ear as Hyunjin swallowed the lump in his throat.

He wanted to scream, to run. But he knew, with them— he had no escape. "Please" he begged.

"Shut the fuck up and take it like a man" the older snarled, a devious smirk on his lips as he raised the bat in the air, death in his eyes as his friends snickered at the fear that was Hwang Hyunjin.

Then it went black.

2 Years Later

"Close your eyes, take deep breaths, good job you're doing great" the nurse informed, complimenting him on his growth as Hyunjin smiled at the praises. "Hold for five remember. One, Two, Three, Four, Five" she told him as he followed her lead. "Then exhale for five. One, Two, Three, Four, Five" she told him watching as she listened again. "Excellent. Okay now are you ready to talk or?" She asked, watching as he opened his mouth hesitantly.

"I'm okay now" he told her embarrassed.

"There is nothing wrong with needing help. We know each other Jinnie, you don't have to feel embarrassed. Panic attacks aren't rare, and it most certainly isn't something to breeze over" she reminded him as he nodded. "I talked to your mother about whether or not you should continue your visits" she brought up.

"I'm really okay, it's rare now, and I know what to do when it happens. Sure it's scary to suddenly go mute but I'm much more accustomed to dealing with it" he told her.

"If your okay with not continuing your visits then that is also perfectly fine. Now doctor Kwon will be in soon for your routine checkup, if you need anything just call, I may be a nurse but I'm your aunt first okay" she reminded him.

"Thanks Noona"


"Don't forget your stationary, especially if you do not have your initials on it. I will be taking what you leave, fair warning" the teacher reminded the students. Walking around the rooms and checking the sketches they were finishing up as the bell had rung. "Hwang may I speak with you for a second" he asked the student softly, standing close to him so the other students wouldn't here. He didn't want to cause the younger an embarrassment, even if it wasn't anything bad.

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