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"I'm jealous, of their innocence"


"I—I'm sorry about the mess, I—I didn't think I—I'd have anyone over so soon" the younger shyly admitted, his cheeks ablaze with a soft pink as he rushed to pick up the clothes laying on the ground. "H—Hyunjin right?" He asked softly, turning to face the taller under his black hair.

His clothes seemed a bit big, black hair a mess as if he had been asleep or working out or something. Hyunjin found his lost look adorable instantly, like a kitten. The resemblance was uncanny to his teacher. Though his teacher was more... in a nice way, old... and not cute.

"Yes, I'm sorry I didn't give you much notice. I was just wanting to discuss the room and everything of the sort" Hyunjin apologised, kicking himself mentally at his rudeness at the sudden visit. "I never got your name?" He whispered to the younger as the said boy continued to lead him into the living room.

"Y—Yang Jeongin" he told him. "I—I'm sorry about my s—stutter. I—It's an anxiety th—thing" Jeongin mentioned. "I—It calms down when I get comfortable w—with you" he stated.

"No need to apologise. I'm no stranger to anxiety" Hyunjin told him softly as the younger noticeably relaxed. "I heard this room was a hundred a week, that's pretty cheap. Are you sure that's alright?" Hyunjin asked the younger as he nodded. "I'm wanting to move out, to give myself a bit more freedom. I have an overprotective family ya know" Hyunjin trailed off, rambling a bit.

Jeongin nodded. Seeming to understand the olders words. The two sat down on the couch, facing each other. The apartment so far seemed nice. It was rather modern, surprising Hyunjin even more since the rent was so cheap, even if he was splitting. The walls were a soft beige and the floor had no carpet which he was grateful for, since he was sensitive to the touch.

"What are you studying?" Hyunjin decided to try and make more conversation. Wanting to bond a bit with the younger in case he did decide to room with him.

"I—I'm on a basketball s—scholarship, but I—I'm also doing a few courses i—in home economics" he told him. "Y—You?" He rushed to ask.

"I'm an art major" Hyunjin told him as Jeongin reddened. Biting his lip at the obviousness to his question seeming as it was his brother that had found Hyunjin.

"S—Sorry, I—I knew" Jeongin admitted.

"It's all good" Hyunjin chuckled. Finding the younger adorable. "Can I ask if there are any rules you want to place? Most people usually are strict when living with strangers like don't leave the aircon on at night, no one night stands or so on?" Hyunjin questioned. Wanting to know what the down side of living here was.

Jeongin nodded, seeming to catch on as he pulled out a piece of paper and placed it in front of Hyunjin. It was a contract agreements of rules and formalities that needed to be abided by to live here.

Just regular documents.

Hyunjin picked up the paper, skimming over the words. "You have cameras inside?" Hyunjin asked confused as the younger nodded.

"S—Safety requirement incase of breakins, a—as well as o—outside" he stated. "D—Don't worry, your r—room and bathroom is private. I—It's just at the front door, lounge and outside" he quickly filled the taller in as Hyunjin nodded. Assuming even without the youngers words that they would be private. The dark haired male kept reading.

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