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"No I don't wanna cry. Won't accept your goodbye"


"God again, I'm so sorry I totally forgot we went to school together. I really just didn't talk to people and I've always had such a horrible memory" Seungmin apologised for eighth time that night, their dinner long finished as Jeongin and Hyunjin bid goodbye to the soft brunette.

"You're alright, it's not like we talked so I can't blame you" Hyunjin reminded him as Seungmin gave him a comforting smile, still feeling a bit bad for not remembering Hyunjin. The two said goodnight to him as Seungmin waved goodbye and walked away, hearing the door shut he sighed.

It's not like Hyunjin was forgettable, Seungmin memory just seemed to fail him. Now that he thought more about it, he could kind of picture him and the bubbly girl who was at his hip but not much more then that honestly. Hyunjin had been popular but... not really talked about if he was remembering right.

"I wonder why I never heard more about him?" Seungmin pondered the thoughts aloud as he walked home. No matter how hard he thought on it, Hyunjin was an attractive guy, he had always been so the fact he wasn't held like a prince at school was weird. "He was probably weird, pretty people are like that" he settled on, shrugging off his thoughts with no more care.

He was a mystery but one Seungmin didn't quite feel the need to solve.


Annoyed certainly fit his mood at the moment, no matter how hard he tried to think of what to do for his project, he couldn't help but struggle to find any inspiration— on top of that his hair decided to continue getting into his view, dangling right into his eyes which ticked him off the longer time passed on. "God I hate this!" He muttered roughly, pulling at the strands as he cried out, not out of pain— he was too chicken to use actual force with his hair— but out of pure frustration.

How can this be the one project he gets stuck on of all? Out of everything this could give him the recognition most artists long for, even if small for a start it was still the start of something and yet he was sitting here clueless and stupid.

"Are you alright?" Hyunjin sighed out and shook his head, the voice not clicking before he realised there was no stutter and Jeongins voice was not that deep.

"Felix?!" Hyunjin asked out shocked, turning around so quickly his chair nearly fell to the side as he stood up, next to the man stood Minho, giving him a striking smile as well. "Minho!" He laughed. "I didn't even hear you two enter, how are you guys?" He asked them, taking a break from his art as he sat on his bed. As good of an excuse as any to put his art off for a little while longer.

"We thought we might as well stop by, seems like we got here in pretty good timing" Minho laughs as he moves inside, eyes glancing around the room in awe before he settles on the bed next to Felix. "By your room alone I'm going to take a guess that you're a hopeless romantic?" Minho asks him teasingly, yet his tone was laced with truthful curiosity, if the posters and dangly arts said that Hyunjin was clueless once more.

"Hmm... maybe? I don't know. I like romance and all but... being a hopeless romantic is sad isn't it?" Hyunjin laughed as he thought about it. Dating and falling in love was always something he wanted don't get him wrong but, love wasn't exactly a trustful friend in his books.

Past experiences spoke for a reason and love was very loud and telling that Hwang Hyunjin, should not be hopeless. Still, he couldn't deny that it was nice to imagine that there was someone out there that was just for him and him alone, it was greedy but that was what Hyunjin wanted. Someone who only had eyes for him, love at first sight seemed nice... oh.

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