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"I watched you, time passing by as we both aged, but my heart stayed the same"


The dark haired student idly sat on a bench, wasting his afternoon watching one of Jeongins practice sessions. The youngers dark messy hair bouncing as he ran. Hyunjin had no real knowledge about basketball, he didn't care to learn for it either, but watching the younger wasn't so bad. Especially seeing as not many people came to the practice.

He could even pass it off as quiet despite the sounds of shoes on the ground and heavy breathing. Jeongin wore a loose white tank shirt, baggy gym shorts that gave Hyunjin a nice view though he wouldn't care to admit. Ever so often the younger would wave at him in acknowledgement or smile at him, it made the taller feel comforted.

The sun, giving off a warm heat despite the chilly wind, Hyunjins grey scarf pulled just underneath his nose so he didn't suffocate but his lips wouldn't end up dry and chapped. It was comfortable. If anything, all he was missing was an iced caramel macchiato.

"Hey Hyunjin" a familiar soft yet smooth voice spoke, earning Hyunjins attention as he drifted his eyes towards a cute quokka.

"Hey Jisung! It's been awhile since since we talked last" Hyunjin stated as Jisung hummed. Taking a seat on the bench next to him, his hands pushed into his pockets to stay warm in the cold air. "And by awhile I mean a week" he laughed sheepishly.

"Felix said you missed me, you know you can always text me right?" He asked as the taller nodded. Taking his eyes back onto the practice match, missing the way Jeongins own head snapped away from the two. "Are you single Hyunjin?" Jisung asked him after a few seconds of silence between the two.

The taller opened his mouth, somehow overdriving into his thoughts and reasoning as to why the younger might ask him such a question. Does Jisung like me? That's such a self absorbed thought! Isn't he with Felix?

"I am" he answered, biting his lip as he glanced at the younger awkwardly. "Can I ask why the sudden curiosity?" He asked him letting the lip between his teeth go as Jisung gave him a stare he could familiarise but not name, his eyes turning into crescents as Hyunjins ears reddened.

"Just curious, you seem like a pretty popular guy so I kinda keep assuming you have some secret girlfriend" he said. Hyunjin remembered their first meeting, the same question had been asked but in a slightly different font, the two twins confusing his and Seoyuns friendship as something romantic or sexual. Which was hilarious to the two.

"Or a secret boyfriend" Hyunjin whispered under his breath. "I'm bisexual" he stated, feeling his hands go clammy as Jisung gave him a soft smile.

"Oh that's cool, Don't worry I'm not one to judge. I mean I'm gay so it would be weird if I did" Jisung laughed. The two now fully awkward and flustered together. "God this turned awkward so quickly" he whispered, chiding himself yet Hyunjin heard. Nodding his head in agreement.

"Do you want some gum?" He asks, pulling out a pack and placing his hand towards Jisung. The younger glances at the pack before going red.

"Do I have bad breath!" He asked, eyes widening as Hyunjin shook his head quickly. Jaw dropping with guilt.

"No! Shit" he muttered, biting his lip once again that he wouldn't be surprised if it started to bleed. "I'm so bad at communicating, I'm just... trying to keep the conversation going" he admitted embarrassed. The gum now tightly gripped in his hand as Jisungs face cooled down.

"Sorry, I just... sorry" he laughed awkwardly, taking the offer of gum as Hyunjin took one for himself. "Oh blueberry?" He asked as the taller nodded. "I'm allergic" He whispered making Hyunjin choke. "God I'm sorry that was suppose to be a joke!" He apologised patting the tallers back.

"Watching you two interact makes me want to throw myself in front of a bus, Regina George style" a familiar high pitched voice noted. Her eyes squinted and lips glossed in soft tint. "Don't mind me, continue slowly talking yourselves to death" she teased as Hyunjin gave her a frown.

"When did you even get here?" He asked as she moved closer to take a seat next to Hyunjin.

"That's not important, what is important is how sad it is watching you without me" she noted, taking out her lipgloss and painting over her lips once again before making kissing noises. "Anywho, I came to see hot guys play basketball, not awkward gays try to make conversation and fail in a non cute way" she stated. Her soft eyes moving to watch the players. "Damnit they finished up" she sighed.

"Already?" Hyunjin asked.

"So Han, how are you and your boyfriend?" She asks the quokka a person down. Her grin mischievous as she tilted her head to the side.

"Felix is fine— wait"

"I KNEW IT" she yelled. "Nothing gets past me, well majority doesn't get past me" she laughed.

"Seoyun" Hyunjin groaned rolling his eyes.

"We weren't keeping it from you guys because of anything bad. It's just..." he trailed off. Looking down at his shoes as Hyunjin nudged Seoyun.

"Don't worry Sung, it's understandable if you want a private relationship. Especially when there are others who aren't nice about same sex relationships. I won't mention it if you're uncomfortable about it" he told him, glaring at Seoyun as she cleared her throat.

"Me either, I'm sorry, I won't mention it again!" She promised him.

"No it's totally cool between you guys, it's just others really. Our close friends know—that wasn't to say you guys aren't our close friends, I mean we barely know each other and our friendship is short but we like hanging with you guys— shit" he groaned. "Sorry"

"It's okay" Hyunjin told him, gently rubbing his back as he had gotten himself worked up. The taller froze when he saw tears. He glared at Seoyun, who as well was shocked. "Wait no! Don't cry" Hyunjin told him. "Seoyun you made him cry!" He chastised his friend.

"I'm sorry I didn't know" she mumbled.

"Everyone's staring" he cried embarrassed, Hyunjin gulped. Looking around but no one had really noticed the smaller crying. Hyunjin went to say something else when a figure blocked him, a jacket placed over Jisungs head.

The taller looked up confused.

"I—Is he o—okay?" Jeongin asked quietly, holding his water bottle in his free hand as Hyunjin gulped the saliva building in his throat. Nodding his head before clicking at his words.

"Oh agh— no something happened and well he started to cry. I think we should go somewhere a bit more private, he feels overwhelmed" Hyunjin stated as the younger nodded. Suddenly picking up Han and walking away effortlessly, jestering at the shocked two to follow him.

Hyunjin felt his phone vibrate in his pocket but his mind was too indulged with Jisung at the moment to look at who had messaged him.

Unknown Number: New friends? They seem nice

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