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"I wanted him to kiss me, failing to
see his lips were painted with poison"


Hyunjin sat between Seoyun and Jeongin, Felix and Jisung sat on the other side of Seoyun, immersed in the movie. Seoyun however was passed out bored, more of a horror lover then anything. Taking a sip of his drink, Hyunjin went to place it back into the cup holder when he felt the younger tug at his sleeve slightly, grabbing his attention from the screen as he looked at the younger in the dark.

"Hmm?" He questioned quietly.

"I—I finished my drink, can I have some of y—yours?" He asked softly, lips almost in a pout as Hyunjin nodded, giving the younger his drink. He didn't think much of it since he typically shared drinks with Seoyun anyway. "Thanks" he whispered after taking the drink from the older. Hyunjin turned back to the movie, immersing himself once again as Jeongin smiled to himself.


"Night" Hyunjin forbid the younger with a soft smile, closing his bedroom door. Eyes trained to ignore his half unfinished painting in the corner of his room. It could be dealt with when he didn't feel half dead. Letting his body collapse on his bed, Hyunjin closed his eyes, letting himself doze off just a bit despite being fully dressed. "God I can't" he whispered to himself, snapping himself out of his hazy mind as he rolled himself onto his back, staring up at the ceiling before groaning.

Grabbing some clean clothes, Hyunjin made his way to the bathroom, opening the door and closing it behind him before turning the water on. "Felix seemed alright, maybe I brought up his name before and forgot?" He muttered to himself, glancing at his reflection in the mirror, touching his face, Hyunjin sighed. Not over anything specific, he just felt exhausted.

Undressing, Hyunjin entered the shower and closed the glass door behind him. His eyes closing as well, letting the hot water hit his face and the crown of his head as he relaxed. Seoyun hadn't noticed any odd behaviour. Maybe he really was just loosing his mind, but... it was odd.

He couldn't pinpoint what it was, but he knew something about Jisung and Felix weren't right. Yet, his mind had done this to him before, mistaking simple strangers as people who were going to hurt him.

Not that he blamed himself, if anything he blamed them more.

"Such a pretty face, it would be a shame if someone happened to ruin it" taunting, grizzly yet high enough as a sense of immaturity in a way. Hyunjin flinched, falling back as the knife barely grazed the side of his face.

Snickers surrounding him from the group of guys. Their eyes watching closely, finding humour in the terror covering Hyunjins face.

"I—I'll call the cops" Hyunjin threatened, scurrying to his feet as he backed away, keeping his eyes on the one with the knife. His heart hammered in his chest. "This isn't funny anymore guys" he stated.

"Did you think we were joking rich boy?" He scoffed. Red hair falling into his cold eyes as Hyunjin gulped, moving back before feeling someone from behind shove him forward, closer to the teen with the knife. "Don't act so scared, you seemed cocky enough when you snitched on us" he scoffed, grabbing Hyunjin by the collar, teeth gritted as Hyunjin pushed against him, afraid of the knife he held.

"Let's strip him, then we'll see how far he'll get naked" another yelled, watching as Hyunjins face went white. The guy holding the collars of his shirt smiled at that suggestion, eyes catching the expensive shoes on Hyunjins feet making him gulp. His tongue swiping over his bottom lip before his eyes met Hyunjins once again. A smirk spreading over his lips.

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