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"He left me with watercolour eyes"


"Pink or Blue?" The question everyone has heard once in their life. No matter the age or the time, it was a question that seemed to always manage a way into anyone and everyone's life. Hyunjin hummed, thinking of the question with serious determination. The freckled boy beside him stared at him intently, growing impatient as Hyunjin stayed quiet in thought. "Don't think too hard just say the first thing on your mind" he told him, hitting his arm playfully as Hyunjin stifled his laughter.

"Green" Hyunjin stated, earning an elbow to the stomach making him double over in a fit of laughter at the shorter.

"Seoyun was right" Felix teased, laying down on the bench as Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "Green is good though, it's a calm colour. Reminds me of early spring, when everything is still calm and slightly cold but finally stirring awake again" he stated, staring up at the cloudy sky.

It had stopped raining awhile ago, but Hyunjin knew Seoyun was not taking a risk of coming out in the weather. Felix had stayed to accompany him like he promised. The two getting along better then he ever expected. Felix was sweet, and he never did question Hyunjin about the incident.

"Milk or cereal first?" Hyunjin asked curiously, his arms leaning back behind him as he stared back at the smaller who was still laying down. Felix had his eyes closed now but a wide smile on his lips.


"So your a serial killer I see" Hyunjin stated jokingly as Felix chuckled at the statement, opening his eyes slightly to stare at the taller. "Its okay, as long as you don't like pineapple on pizza I think this friendship can work" he stated before hearing silence. His eyes growing wide as Felix hid a sheepish grip, rubbing his eyes as Hyunjin let his jaw drop. "You are a psychopath" he stated, watching as Felix shook his head and helped push Hyunjins mouth closed before sitting up next to him.

"Excuse me Hun but I'm only a smart man. Pouring the milk first allows me to know how much cereal I'll need without having too much of either cereal or milk. And pineapple on pizza is hot people food" he stated making Hyunjin scoff.

"I have to disagree with you lix, cooked pineapple is a sin, and pouring the milk first has no scientific genius smart man point behind it only psychopathic tendencies" Hyunjin stated, shrugging his shoulders as Felix laughed at his statements. A smirk spreading over his lips as he looked the taller up and down.

"Well, now that you know my dark deep secrets I have to kill you don't I?" Felix asked jokingly as Hyunjin looked back at him, a wide grin on his lips.

"Okay okay, sir genius, I'll let those go as long as you don't eat mushroom on pizza" he stated as Felix thought for a second before nodding.

"Okay that I'll agree with you. Mushrooms on pizza is seriously odd" Felix laughed in agreement. "I'll have to try and get you to try having pineapple on pizza. It's really not that bad, escpecially on chicken pizza. Pineapple and chicken is... just genius" he stated kissing his fingers dramatically.

"I guess, I might try it, for research purposes of course" Hyunjin played along. Laying down beside the smaller as he stared up at the clouds. "Oh for the movies this Saturday, I invited a friend of mine, well my roommate, he's younger but a sweet kid, you don't mind do you?" Hyunjin asks to be sure as Felix hums before nodding.

"Of course not, if he's your friend then I don't see why it's a problem. It would be cool to meet Jeongin" Felix stated as Hyunjin nodded thankful that it would be okay.

He didn't want to bombard them or anything. His thoughts drifted a bit before his eyebrows furrowed together, lips pursed as he glanced at the smaller. Felix had his eyes closed but a soft smile still on his lips. Seeming to relax nicely in the cool weather.

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