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"You'd never dream of breaking
this fixation"


"Stranger danger!" Seoyuns piercing scream flooded the ears of the young adults, all of them running to the front door as they caught sight of the sparkly pink lipped woman beating the curly haired stranger roughly with her bag, throwing whatever her hand could grab as she screamed. "HYUNJIN" Running towards him, she glared at the man behind them. Her arms wrapping around her best friend tightly. "He followed me for two blocks" she told them.

"I DIDN'T FOLLOW YOU!" The man yelled, holding his bleeding nose as he glared at her.

"Chan?" Felix asked, a smug grin overtaking his plump lips as he stared at the olders bloody face. Silence consumed them as they realised Felix, the sunshine, knew this creepy man.

"Tell them I'm not a creep Felix, you invited me here" he whined, lifting a finger to point at the blonde who raised his hands in the air, struggling his shoulders.

"You... weren't trying to kill me?" Seoyun asked slowly as the man named Chan shook his head quickly, denying those accusations with speed. "Ohh" she whispered yet with very little belief.


"My actions were justified, you were weird looking and no offence, it's night time and you wouldn't overtake me no matter how many times I stopped" she admitted shaking her head.

"I didn't want to look like I was being creepy or getting to close I'M NOT A CREEPY GUY" he desperately explained. Seoyun mumbled a quiet and embarrassed sorry that sounded far from heartfelt, clinging to Hyunjin closely as he sighed, giving the curly haired new comer a soft smile to pardon his close friend. "Your girlfriend has a good hit on her" he mumbled as Hyunjins jaw dropped.

Girlfriend? Peering down at the still sulking Seoyun, Hyunjin bit back the urge to bust a gut and laugh at the assumption but he didn't want to accidentally rile his friend up anymore tonight. "She's not my girlfriend" Hyunjin laughed lowly, "best friend" he stated, pulling Seoyun inside as he helped her to find a comfortable seat as the rest got acquainted. "You didn't hurt your leg beating him up did you?" He asked softly, glancing down at her as he helped prop her leg up on a pillow.

"My hearts still beating to fast so I'm not sure. It doesn't hurt so I think I'm lucky. God what a creepy man, I don't like him Hyunjin" she whispered under her breath, keeping an eye out to make sure no one was close enough to hear her.

"You don't like many people" he teased shaking his head lightly, Seoyun didn't seem amused, her hand reaching to cling to his forearm as Hyunjin raised a brow, looking at her seriously. "Seoyun?" He asked.

"I don't like him" she whispered, biting her lip as she remembered how he followed her, even when she walked in circles, the weird vibe and falsehood of him in general, or how he looked just like he did in their old high school year book. It felt terrifying, her leg was injured so how could she run away if he did attempt to try and attack her? How could she say anything right now more then a flimsy half proven feeling? "I don't.." she trailed off.

"It's okay, I got you" Hyunjin calmed her, placing his arms around her shoulders protectively as she let him hug her. "Want to chill in my room? The door locks and I have hidden snacks under my mattress" he offered her.

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