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"Spit in my face, my love, it won't phase me"


Feeling a soft hand tap his shoulder gently, Jeongin faced his older friend, moving over on the bench so he could join him comfortably. Seungmin handed him a bottle of strawberry milk, the straw already in as Jeongin gave him a warm smile. Practice had ended awhile back now, and even if Jeongin didn't admit it aloud, he had hoped he'd have Hyunjin turn up to watch him— of course he knew the older had other classes and other friends... maybe he needs to work out his feelings.

No he really does need to work out his feelings.

"Don't look so grim, I'm sure he'll come tomorrow, maybe then you'll introduce us?" Seungmin told him, bumping the youngers shoulder with his own as Jeongin hummed. "Aren't you happy I'm here?" He teased him.

"O—Of course I am" Jeongin assured him with fierce eyes and puffed cheeks.

Seungmin gave him a warm smile, taking a sip from his own drink as they watched the court slowly clear of any lingering students. Jeongins gaze followed around, still silently seeking after his roommate.


"You still not convinced Chan is a nice guy?" Jisung asked Seoyun, his lips pursed as he left his magazine alone for a second, meeting his friends eyes as she sighed. The two stationed at their familiar cafe, Seoyun busy looking at Chans social media. The question had an uncertainty filling her features as Jisung gave her a soft smile. "If you're uncomfortable talking about it I won't pressure you, I was just curious" he told her, lifting his magazine back up as he took a dramatically long sip of his vanilla shake.

Seoyun knew Jisung was one of the sweetest guys she had met, but the fact he was close to Chan made her hesitant. She knew it was hypocritical of her to think of that stupid saying "birds of a feather flock together" after everything she and Hyunjin went through but something about Chan was unsettling.

No guy is a "nice guy", she knew guys didn't understand a girls way of thinking but that was not a green flag. Guys who try and do things consistently make her uncomfortable because they always end up expecting her to hand her body over as a thank you. But Seoyun knew this was also ignorant in her way of slumping men together, but her past wasn't there for her to ignore. If she was going to stay safe she needed to be able to detect if someone was dangerous.

Chan hadn't made much improvement in denying her thoughts. His whole being at the moment was throwing her off. Him being creepy and following her, everyone else acting as if that was an accidental coincidence that quickly... it was odd.

He wouldn't stop appearing around campus as well, in the strangest places at the oddest of times.

"I've just— had a few bad boyfriends and he seems similar to them in a few ways... that's all" she tells Jisung, giving him an awkward smile. She wasn't sure if he was trustworthy with her feelings yet. She knew him but she didn't know him.

"I'm so sorry—"

"No no, you have no reason to apologise I was just letting you know I'm being cautious, not only for me but Hyunjin too. Jinnie has been through too much, I don't want him to get close to someone who might..." she trailed off.

"Can I ask— what exactly happened to Hyunjin?" Jisung was hesitant, his lip between his teeth anxiously. He knew he could've just asked Hyunjin but... he didn't want to offend him in anyway.

"I won't say anything too specific other then he was bullied... extremely— I'm sorry I can't say but if you want to know ask Hyunjin, hes not quiet about it but it's a very touchy subject" she told him apologetically.

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