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"It's so surreal, I can't survive... If this is all that's real"


"He won't eat" his aunt sighed, leaving the door open slightly, even unsaid they knew it all, how Hyunjin hid himself away, how his eyes lingered the window a bit more every time, how he had lost motivation with everything, not even showering at this point and none of them knew what to do.

"We need to take him to the hospital, if he keeps refusing meals—"

"No, we can't try an uproot his whole life, if anything he needs to be forced back into his routine, it's his last year, we can't keep wasting money to fix his grades" his father stated, cutting his wife off as he hushed the two woman further away from Hyunjins room.

"That's stupid and you know it, I don't care if it affects his schooling I'd rather him live then die a collage graduate" his sister in law spat as his wife nodded in agreement.

"She's right, besides his depression could be something to do with school... If his bullies are there I don't ever want him to return!" She stated firmly, hands tugging together in a tight grip as she gulped, licking her lips nervously before looking up at her husband. "We should go to the police, surely this is enough for something to be done, his hand is broken for god sake!" She cried out, staring at the two impatiently.

"... I tried" her sister answered her, the olders eyes snapping her way as she sighed.

"And what? What can they do? Juvenile detention? Fining? Expulsion?" She asked with mumbled words, speaking so fast with desperation.

"Nothing" her word silenced the olders blabbering. "Barely a day after I went.. I got a call saying the investigation had ended, after a lot of persistence they ended up admitting that whoever it was, is more powerful then all of us combined" she told them. "They won't do anything because they were paid to keep quiet, the school to, and who knows who else" she admitted.

"And you didn't think to tell us?!" Her sister screaming, lunging forward to grab her by her collar. "My son— my son might kill himself and you kept all of this to yourself?" She stuttered out in disbelief.

"At least I tried" she bit back.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Hyunjins dad spoke up, his silence the whole time making him invisible during their dispute as his sister in law snapped her head to glare at him and her sister. "Don't look at me like that! Tell me what that was suppose to mean" he demanded.

"You are so stuck up your own ass, you'd rather keep appearances nice and tidy, rather then you let your perfect family picture fall apart even by a tear. Your son won't shower, he won't eat, he won't speak for god sake and you'd rather force him to go back to that hell rather then receive proper medical attention before he kills himself!" She shouted.

"Get out of my house"


"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" He screamed, his veins protruding, face blossoming an ugly rose red as he yelled in his sister in laws face. Chaewon stared him dead in the eye before glancing at her sister.

"If he isn't at the hospital by the end of the day, I'll be taking him myself" she promised before storming out.

Barely an hour had passed since she had left, the couple stood in the study, going through possible plans on how to deal with the situation when a loud crash and tumble of things sounded from Hyunjins room.

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