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"Used to breathe you, see you in my dreams. Now I wake up, you don't cut as deep"


"I see, and how have your panic attacks been since the last time we spoke" his aunt asked, checking over his face and frame, making sure he hadn't lost any weight from their last appointment.

"You're here to be my supportive aunt, not my nurse Chaewon Noona" Hyunjin reminded her, ignoring her questions which she took heavy notice of, following him inside the restaurant, the waitress led them to their booked table. "Now, make sure that you let them know I'm doing well with both my studies and new apartment" he told her.

"Don't be so worried, you know they'd never force you to move back home" she reminded him, gently holding his hand before taking a menu to browse. "How is your new apartment anyway? Is your roommate cute?" She asked, her voice a bit lower, teasing him as the younger rolled his eyes.

"Seriously? He's younger then me" Hyunjin reminded her.

"As long as he's not more then two years younger" she reminded him, leaving silence to hear his response.

"He's nineteen, a literal freshmen— a younger brother even!" Hyunjin told her.

"Oh Hyunjin! You're so old, thank god you don't like him, imagine being a whole year older then your roommate?" She teased, acting shocked as she raised a brow to look him up and down in disbelief before her eyes returned to the menu. "You're acting like I'm ancient which I'm very well not! Barely even forty" she muttered.

"Aunt~" Hyunjin whined, annoyed at her teasing.

"Fine fine— how is Seoyun? I haven't seen her in quite awhile, is she doing alright? Keeping up with her studies and all?" She asks him, raising a brow as Hyunjin hums.

"She had an accident in one of her dance classes, but her knee is close to being fully functional again so she's pretty siked about that" he stated in thought. "She hasn't dated anyone yet though, no one really catches her eyes these days— well..." he trailed off, glancing at his aunt before shaking his head, there was some things his family did not need to know about his dearest friend. "Nothing" he muttered.

"I'm still shocked you two haven't suddenly started dating yet, you know how it goes—"

"No guy and girl could be as close to one another without liking the other" he muttered shaking his head as he finished her statement for her. "I don't know why you guys are so set on that saying, neither of us see each other like that neither do we want to. It's nice having a friend who has a different view on the world but at the end of the day, I don't care she's a she and she doesn't care I have a dick and go by he" he mumbled.

"Lovely conversation we walked in on isn't it dear" his mothers words made the two sit straight, lifting their gaze at the middle aged couple who had made their presence known. "Let me guess, it's about your little girl friend, what's her name? Something Yoo?" His mother asked.

"Completely wrong, Seoyun" his aunt corrected before Hyunjin could even think. "You both look... wonderful" his aunt mentioned, eyeing them up and down in their elegant clothing, nails freshly done and hair nicely styled.

"Oh Chae you're too kind" his mother laughed, covering her mouth as his father gave him a warm smile, the two taking their seats. "Now let's not diddle daddle on trivial talk, Hyunjin, how have you been honey? Sleeping well? Keeping hydrated? Eating all three meals every day?" She asked him, glancing him up and down to notice his form, mimicking her sister.

"How is your little friend? The one who— the girl?" His father asks him.

"She's doing fine, I'll let her know you both send regards" he stated. "Mom I'm doing great, since I started living in the apartment I actually have a great cook of a roommate who had a knack for cooking, as well as he's tidy and a good kid, he goes to school on a scholarship" he states.

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