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"For the first time in a long time...
It felt like the sun was finally shining on me"


"Kiss me, kiss me with your eyes closed~" she mumbled under her breath, half heartedly humming to the beat that she knows she's messing up but it wasn't that important as she walked down the hallways. "Something, Something, Something~" she mumbled.

"My ears are bleeding" Hyunjin muttered sarcastically, his hands going to cover his ears as she glared at him. "Just joking" he said holding up his hands as if in surrender. "Oh! I know him" he stated, walking a bit slower as he spotted a familiar brunette next to a semi familiar freckled guy. "Hmmm" he stated.

"Me too, he's the guy who likes you" she stated, hitting his shoulder. "Mr love at first sight" she spoke half heartedly one hand to her chest before she was grabbed and faced toward Hyunjin. The taller using her as a distraction and shield.

"Shut the fuck up, he's looking this way, oh god we made eye contact!" He stated, staring into Seoyuns eyes embarrassed. "Damnit, is my face red?" He asked her.

"Very" she teased.

"You're a bi— oh hey!" He stated, pushing Seoyun away as he smiled at the two softly. His hands felt clammy and he could swear his cheeks were ablazed. Despite it being winter he felt like he was suffocating in his own skin.

"Hey, sorry for just popping up, oh uh this is Felix! My best friend" Jisung stated as he pulled the freckled boy closer. Felix gave a polite nod. His hand wresting comfortably on Jisungs waist that led curious thoughts into the tallers pretty mind before he shrugged them off.

Friends usually are close.

"Hi, I'm Hyunjin" he greeted, bowing slightly as Felix murmured a hello, scaring Hyunjin at the depth of the shorters voice. "Damn" he whispered quietly, voice feeling awfully girly, that was unnecessarily attractive.

"Did you say something?" Jisung asked making Hyunjin shake his head quickly. "Oh, anyway, I just wanted to say hi" Jisung told him awkwardly. Rubbing his hands together. "Thanks for lending me your jacket the other day. I have it at home I was suppose to bring it but I forgot" he stated, his hand lifting to rub the back of his neck shyly.

"All good, you could have it if you like. It's not a bother" he stated. "Me and Seoyun were just heading to get something to eat before our classes, did you guys want to join?" he asked trying to be polite.

"Oh no it's alright, we don't want to intrude on you and your girlfriend" Felix stated politely making Seoyun choke on her laughter, making her double over in a coughing fit. "Did I... say something funny?" he asked confused.

"We aren't dating" Hyunjin told him with a smile. "She's much more like an annoying sister" he stated teasingly as she glared at him.

"I'm Seoyun, simply his platonic soulmate, or more well known as the hotter friend" she said flipper her hair as she gave them a friendly smile. "It'd be cool if you could join, I'm his only friend so he really needs male friends" she teases, hitting the back of Hyunjins head lightly as he rolled his eyes.

"Sure, if it's not intruding" Jisung agrees as Felix nods.


"Hmmm" she hummed loudly, glancing over the menu with curious and determined eyes. "I'm going to have to go with a coffee frappe" she stated as if that wasn't what she ordered every time they went to the cafe.

"So original" Hyunjin muttered half heartedly as he glanced at the other two. "Wait Felix don't you work here?" He asked as the freckled boy nodded, surprised he knew. "Can you recommend me something?" he asked as the shorter nodded. Glancing at the menu as he tried to think of something that would suit the taller.

"Iced caramel macchiato" he stated softly as Hyunjin nodded. He hadn't tried that yet but he wasn't against trying it. After they all ordered, failing the one mission of actually getting food, they took a seat at a table as they waited.

"So what departments are you guys in?" Seoyun asks the two curiously.

"Computer engineering" Felix stated for the two of them.

"Woah, you're smart" Hyunjin said in awe.

"Ignore him he's not the brightest" Seoyun stated as she learnt her face into the palm of her hand before thinking of more questions to ask the obviously close guys. "We're both in art, I'm more performing arts while Hyunjin is theoretical and practical art. Are you two dating?" She asks suddenly.

"Nope, just... close friends" Felix told her softly, a delicate but, odd smile on his lips. Seoyun felt bewitched by the blondes beauty. It was soft yet sharp, cat like yet not, he was gorgeous.

"You should model for Hyunjins art class some time" she stated. "You get points for it so it's not too bad. It's also not nude like other classes but if your cool with going full birthday suit then they probably would do that for learning experience. I'm not too sure I've modelled once but I was fully clothed in traditional clothes but that was pretty chill" she rambled. "You're gorgeous" she whispered.

"Don't mind her, I'm dumb but she's boy dumb. Harmless nonetheless" Hyunjin stated, cutting her off before she gave them her whole life story by elbowing her side to stop her. "But the offer is still there to the both of you. Our classes are always looking for new creative ideas, don't worry no one would force you to go nude" he told them.

"I don't mind that, especially if you're the one drawing me" Felix stated, sending a wink to the taller as Hyunjin tensed in his seat. "I'm joking hun" he told him with a slight giggle. Jisung also laughing at the startled/shocked reaction of the two.

"O—Oh" Hyunjin coughed nervously.

"But seriously, we don't mind modelling for you, Hannie is a bit shy but I'm sure he'd try it as well, right?" Felix asked the brunette next to him as Jisung nodded.

"That would be a cool experience. I'm not sure if I'd be good at it though" he stated shyly.

"You just need to sit still and look pretty, I think you'd be great" Hyunjin told him, trying to boost his confidence as Jisung blushed. Tugging at the blondes sleeve under the table as Felix chuckled.

Their drinks finally arrived and the four thanked the waiter before getting up to head back to campus. Hyunjin took a sip of his new drink, curious of the taste before humming, it was sweet but nothing overly extreme. He liked it. Glancing at the freckled boy who watched his reaction, he gave a thumbs up making Felix laugh almost silently.

"This was fun, we should hang out more often" Seoyun stated as everyone nodded in agreement. "I have to go cause I'm running late but catch you guys around" she stated before taking off like a chicken without its head. Hyunjin held back his laugh before he turned back to the two.

"Let's exchange numbers, you guys are cool and like she said, I'm in desperate need of friends that aren't her" he laughed as they nodded. Exchanging numbers. "Cool well I better get going as well, talk to you guys later" he stated before walking off. Waving goodbye to the two until it was weird to continue to wave.

Felix and Jisung watched the taller male go before Felix rested his head in the crook of Jisungs neck. "That went well" he stated as Jisung nodded.

"He seems nicer then I thought" Jisung stated, lips slightly pouted out as Felix nodded. "He's a bit dumb but it's cute, I'm surprised he didn't notice" he whispered.

"You did good hun" felix complimented him before kissing his cheek.

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