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"I know that you're shitty and you're bad for me but I can't stop thinking about it"

"Ah ah"


To have everyone together proved to be harder then first assumed to be. Changbin, declaring himself leader as of the moment, decided it would be easiest to have everyone in the same place by throwing a party. Leaving it to the rest to turn up if they were interested. Seoyun was already dressed for it, her hair held back in a loose ponytail, dressed in faded baggy jeans and a grey longsleeved shirt. Her lips of course covered in her classic pink gloss. Hyunjin kept it simple like her, loose black jeans and a graphic T with a turtleneck underneath. "I'm thinking of buying a dog, what do you think?" Seoyun asked Hyunjin as they made their way up Changbins driveway.

"A dog is always a good idea" Hyunjin told her as she smiled. "You good?" He asks her as they slow down a little. Seoyun bites her lip before nodding, linking her arm with his.

"You good?" She asks him making him smile, feeling relaxed by her side. Nodding his head the two entered. Their first impression of Changbins place was that he was filthy rich, or well his family was. "Dude is that a chandelier?" She whisper shouted in awe. Hyunjin swallowed quickly as they reached Changbin, Han and Felix sitting around a table together. "Hey!" Seoyun made their presence known quickly as they found a spot by the others, taking a drink each.

"Your house is amazing Changbin" Hyunjin commented making the older laugh and wink his way.

"It's my familys so I can't take to much credit for it. Does this raise my attractiveness in your eyes now though?" He asks turning to the side as he casually flexes his bicep followed by a sly smile. Hyunjin laughs at him with amusement before he greets Felix and Jisung as well.

"Do you guys know if the others are coming?" Seoyun asks Changbin.

"I do know that Seungmin and Jeongin aren't able to make it tonight but for the other two I think they should arrive soon" Changbin lets her know before hearing laughter making its way through the hallway, a tell tale of Minho and Chan. "Speak of the devil" he laughs as he makes his way over to the two men carrying in pizza.

"This stuff is strong" Seoyun exclaimed as she stared down at her cup with her eyebrows raised. "You guys don't mess around when drinking do you?" She laughs a little before taking another sip. Her tolerance was high so Hyunjin knew she was more than capable of knowing her limits, it was his self doubt about his own tolerance. Taking a sip himself, he felt the bitterness slip down his throat as he swallowed. Eyebrows squeezed together as he felt the burn spread up to his nose.

"Oh fuck that" he noted shaking his head making the three laugh before Felix pulled Hyunjins hand and led him to the kitchen.

"Changbin will have something lighter somewhere surely" he noted as he looked through the fridge before finding a six pack of vodka spirtz. "See if you take to these better" Felix told him as Hyunjin gave him a grateful smile.

"Thanks Lix" he told him taking a can. "What's the plan for tonight, cause I'll be honest that I don't party often so I have no clue what the typical thing is" he asked the younger before pulling a worried face. "Please tell me we aren't doing some cheesy shit like truth or dare?" He asked worriedly, making Felix laugh at him before covering his mouth and shaking his head.

He'd made an embarrasment of himself but as far as he knew, that seemed to be the thing they do at parties.. so the movies say.

"No, no" Felix said between breaths as he calmed down, using his free hand to hold onto Hyunjins arm. "First we drink a little while we eat and then after we typically go for a little wonder and annoy the poor souls that are trying to sleep" he stated as he pondered on any other things they might do during the night. "Once we found an internet cafe and gamed until midnight, or a karaoke place, one night we accidentally got so drunk and somehow adopted a goat" he laughed. "When we say party we typical mean get drunk as quick as possible and act like teenagers again" he finishes as he pulls hyunjin back towards the living room. "What's the low down for the night guys?" Felix asked as they took a seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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