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"I loved his soft touches, until they started to bruise my skin"


Sweat dripped down the side of his forehead as the taller finally collapsed on his bed huffing. He knew he was a bit lazy lately but, after moving all his belongings to his new apartment he finally realised just how lazy he had come. His black shirt had ridden up his stomach a bit but he was too lazy to fix it.

The younger had offered a helping hand quite a few times but Hyunjin didn't want to annoy him with such a silly thing as moving his stuff. It was his belongings anyway. "Thank god I'm done" he sighed out.

"H—Hey hyung, I have l—lemonade for you" Jeongin let him know, knocking on his door even though it was open. It was adorable and Hyunjin couldn't help the smile that made its way on his lips.

"Thanks Jeongin" he thanked the younger, sitting up and gesturing for the younger to come and sit with him. His shirt was clinging a bit to his chest and back, making the younger focus hard to keep his eyes at eye level with the older. Hyunjin noticed his stare and fixed his shirt subtly.

Taking a seat on his bed next to him, Jeongin pulled his knees up to his chest as he handed Hyunjin his drink. "I—I could've helped you" he stated feeling bad seeing him exhausted.

"It was sweet of you to offer but I don't want to annoy you on my first day as your offical roommate. This is delicious by the way" he complimented.

"G—Good. It's my own recipe" he whispered.

"Your stutter is a bit calmer. You warming up to me now?" He asked gently, a soft smile gracing his lips as Jeongin reddened a bit, nodding his head. "That's good, since we're living together I hope we can be close, if you even need anything I'll help you out, if I can of course" he laughed.

"I'm m—making black bean n—noodles for dinner. Is that alright?" He asked softly, tilting his head to the side a bit as Hyunjin nodded.

"Sounds greats, I'm excited to try your cooking" he stated softly, eyes wide as he remembered the younger saying he was taking courses in home economics. He had never been much of a cook himself so the fact the younger was, felt heaven sent. He might miss his moms cooking but with Jeongin that would feel a little less homesick. "Oh me and some friends of mine were going to the movies this Saturday, if you want, I'd like it if you'd join us" he offered, taking another sip of the lemonade.

"Movies?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah, it's just a comedy" Hyunjin stated, remembering that Jeongin was younger so he might not be too into horror or R rater movies. Even if he was an adult per say.

"Sure, t—they won't mind me coming with w—would they?" He asked softly.

"Of course not, your my friend as well" Hyunjin stated. "Seoyun wants to meet you, she thinks your adorable" Hyunjin told the younger who stiffened a bit.

"Who's that?"

"Oh sorry, my best friend, here" Hyunjin showed a photo of her after looking, it was when her hair was much shorter and well, she was flipping off the camera. "She's much nicer now then she looks then. I showed her who you were while you guys were at practice" he stated.

"Y—You came to my practice?" He asked shyly.

"..." Hyunjin had opened his mouth but the younger really caught him. "I promise it wasn't in a creepy like way, she was just intrigued and well, sorry if you find that creepy. We won't watch you practice again" he told him, feeling embarrassed as Jeongin laughed. The sound calming but confusing Hyunjin a bit more.

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