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"Suddenly you have more time, more time with them, him, her... Was I just a filler for your entertainment?"


"Thanks for dropping me off" Hyunjin thanked the older, bowing his head lightly as Minho shook his head gently.

"Not a problem Hwang, besides you're keeping my secret so why wouldn't I help you" he asked rhetorically, the younger giving him a final smile before running over toward his apartment, waiting undercover as he watched Minhos car leave.

Turning inside, he noticed the dark hallway, no sign or smell of heavenly food that showed Jeongin was home. "Odd" he muttered, shrugging his shoulders without another thought as he kicked off his shoes and stepped inside, not bothering with turning on lights.

"Kiss me... kiss me with your eyes closed~ god Seoyun has that stuck in my head" rolling his eyes he opened the fridge, taking the jug of lemonade and pouring himself a cup. Digging through his contacts to find his said friend easily. "Hey Seoyun—"

"Hey Jin, sorry I'm really busy right now so I'll call you back in a bit okay? Bye~"



Odd.. Taking a sip of his drink, he shoved his phone into his back pocket. Work must be busy or something— besides Mr Yang was interested in me entering that competition I have that to focus on in the meantime! If I want to catch attention, it needs to be perfect!

Stepping inside his room with his drink settled on his desk, his brushes already set, clean and ready to paint along with his paints and pencils. The theme was very open, the only requirement needed for it was "modern" which could be many things, a modern setting, modern art tools, modern meaning— it truly was endless but Hyunjin needed to make it work in a way that no one would think of let alone fully understand yet had could hold their own interpretation.

Impossible for the time limit let alone his own decision? Maybe, but as long as he didn't go too over board, he had plenty of unfinished paintings that he could take and use to fit his modern concept in.. whatever way he was yet to think of.

He can do it! Hopefully...

"Jin... Hyunjin? Hyunjin wake up" eye lids fluttering open, Hyunjin found his body heavy as led as he sat up, realising he was still seated i front of his painting—blank canvas, so far. When did I fall asleep?

"Hmm?" Stretching his limbs, he found his eyes finally making the blurry figure in front of him stabilise. "J—Jeongin? When did you get back?" He asked him, struggling to keep back a yawn as Jeongin sighed.

"T—Two hours ago, y—you didn't come out w—when I called for d—dinner" he stated gently. "A—Are you f—f—feeling okay?" He asked, his hand lifting to feel the heat radiating off of the olders forehead.

"I'm okay, just tired" Hyunjin told him gently, getting up from his seat as multiple joints cracked as if he was rusting, his cheeks reddening a bit as he laid down in bed. "I'm sorry but I don't think I'll be able to eat dinner" he apologised quietly, struggling to settle down again after being stuck in such a painful position.

"N—No worries... I—I'll place y—your leftovers in the f—f—fridge" he let the older know, leaving the room, the lights turned off behind him as Hyunjin relaxed. Did Seoyun call yet? Furrowing his brows, he searched for his phone before remembering it being in his back pocket, the screen light blinding him for a few seconds before he found the screen empty besides the date and time.

20 September, Thursday


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