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"Lately, I've been crying like a tall child"


After Jisung managed to calm down, the four went to the person the younger needed most, Felix. His soft brown eyes filled with concern for the other as he sat next to him. Arms circling his waist softly as he whispered sweet words to the brunette. "Sorry, I'm not usually emotional" Jisung apologised to the three seated on the other side of the table. They gave him a soft smile, reassuring him it really was alright.

"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pressed my nose into situations that don't concern me. How about I buy you cheesecake, to make amends" Seoyun offered with a careful smile, her pink glossed lips awkward as Jisung nodded. The girl relaxed as she nodded and hurried herself— as fast as she could go with a hurt knee— to the counter to order his cheesecake.

"Hi, can I please have one slice of French cheesecake, and five ice teas please" she asked the person behind the counter sweetly. Her fingers playing with the end of her sleeve as she handled the money over and waited. The cafe was quieter then usual, the white noise of the tv playing in the background catching her attention slightly as she heard the news reported speak.

"Here you go" the waiter told her softly, giving the number to her as she thanked them and waited at her table. Glancing slightly at the tv screen as she walked over to the table they were at. Her lips parting, and eyebrows furrowing as she caught sight of the familiar movie centre.

Chatter had started up so she couldn't hear exactly what the reporter was saying.

"Breaking news... body— mutated, middle aged man—.."

"A—Are you alright?" The youngest asked her, catching sight of her confused stare. Seoyun looked down at him and nodded.

"Yeah, it's nothing. I ordered everyone an ice tea as well as Hans cheesecake. Do you like ice tea?" She asked the dark haired male, watching as he nodded. "Hey Jeongin..." she whispered after awhile, regaining his attention as he looked back at her. "The movie theatre, the one we were at last time, do you remember the name of it?" She asked him quietly as he thought before shaking his head.

"N—No sorry, I—I don't" he told her.

"Thanks anyway I guess" she mumbled, looking back at the tv on the wall a fair space away. Her eyes watching the screen as she started to nervously fidget. It's happening again...

"Here is your order!" The waiter cheerfully told them, placing down their drinks and the plate for them before walking away. Seoyun glanced at the four males seated with her. Their attention all on trivial things as she felt her hands sweat.

"I'm going to leave early, sorry once again Han" she told them. Standing up quickly, hurting her knee a bit but she barely winced. "Talk to you later!" She waved briefly, forgetting her drink as she left the cafe. Knocking slightly into a guy as she exited the cafe. "Sorry" she mumbled, glancing up but not fully as she caught the familiar tattoo on the strangers neck.

Her heart catching in her throat as she refused to look up anymore. The familiar black rose and snake, Seoyun felt like she might pass out.

"I know you are"


"I—Is Chicken Stew alright f—for dinner tonight?" Jeongin asked the the older as they walked back to their apartment building. The youngers dark eyes glancing at the male next to him curiously as Hyunjin nodded.

"That sounds delicious" Hyunjin told him softly, giving him a soft smile as Jeongin nodded cheerfully. "Thanks for helping us with Han, you were probably exhausted after practice" Hyunjin stated, his steps slow as they let the cold wind hit them.

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