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"Tell me one more time, how much
do you love me"


Seoyun found herself in an odd position, with the leader of the dance club who was currently bandaging up her knee and her platonic soulmate staring at her saviours ass. Once again, Hyunjin truly had a one tracked mind. His lips pursed together with raised eyebrows and a faint trace of worry that he had painted on his face when he first entered the dance room.

Glaring at the tall dark haired himbo, she started to mouth at him. "Stop staring and help me!" Hyunjin, who was much too absorbed with his new found sight ignored her for a few more seconds before kneeling down at her side. "Agh" she winced, making the feline like male at her knee raise an eyebrow.

"I think you've done some damage to it, nothing serious but you won't be able to dance for awhile. Go get it checked as soon as you can" he told her strictly before getting up. Hyunjin wrapped his arm around her waist as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder, helping her stand up without putting too much pressure on her knee.

"Sorry Minho" she apologised.

"No need to apologise, mistakes happen. Being a professional dancer you'll come across many injuries, it just teaches you to be more careful" he told her. "Are you and your friend going to be alright? I think the best thing to do in your interest at the moment, is get you home" he stated.

"We'll be fi—"

"Ouch, careful!" She scolded the taller as he accidentally nearly dropped her weight. Minho raised an eyebrow at the interaction before sighing. Seeming to not believe that they would manage without him.

"Here, I'll give you a lift back to your place" he told them. Going to her free side and wrapping the right hand around his shoulder like Hyunjin had. The two helped her out and to Minhos car despite the protests of Seoyun.

Once they managed to put her in the backseat, Hyunjin huffed a bit. "Don't you go anywhere, I'll need help to get her into her home" Minho stated, stopping the taller from going anywhere as he closed the car door. "Come on" he stated walking to the drivers side. Hyunjin followed, getting into the passengers seat.

The drive was awkward. With the slight moans and grunts of Seoyun in the back and the unfamiliar guy next to him, Hyunjin kept his attention out the car door window. Wait... did I just get into a strangers car? God Hyunjin could hit himself for being so stupid. This was the first rule of stranger danger. Which he failed, despite being twenty years old. If his parents ever found out about it he'd never see the light of day, they'd probably force him back home, he really needed to be more on guard.

Once they pulled in front of Seoyuns studio apartment, and helped her up the flights of stairs, the two retuned to the car once again, this time Hyunjin being a little more hesitant but deciding to get in anyway. The older hadn't killed or kidnapped them the first time so technically he's less of a stranger and more of an... acquaintance.

"I saw you staring at my ass before, the dance rooms have mirrors on the walls" he stated to the taller, making Hyunjins face flush as the car started. The sudden conversation already throwing him off and that was without the callout of his actions. He awkward that he had been caught red handed. "God, you're as red as a ripe tomato" the older stated, glancing at him before looking back at the road. A grin spreading across his lips and his voice in a teasing manner.

"Sorry" Hyunjin apologised.

"It's fine, your friend wasn't wrong when she talked about you" he laughed making Hyunjin furrow his eyebrows confused.

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