Gin vs Saito

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  "For the upcoming second bout, we should use the best we have!" Alice was arguing with Marui while trying to come up with a plan on who to send next.

  "No, we should consider saving some of our best for last!"

  "Ugh! You just don't get it! This is basic battle strategy!"

  "Alice," I took the marker from her hand as she was pouting. "you just said it yourself. That's basic battle strategy. This fight is far from basic."

  "I wonder which of the Elite Ten will show up next." Isami looked worried.

  "The enemy should be panicking after that first bout. I wouldn't be surprised if Tsukasa, Eishi or Koboyashi, Rindo showed up next!"

  "The 1st and 2nd Seats?"

  "What are we going to do, Erinacchi?!"

  "Well, with Team Shokugeki rules, a strategy like the sacrificial captain that's used in kendo doesn't work at all." Erina answered.

  "Even if we're able to get a decent amount of victories, if the enemy still has the top members of the Elite Ten, there's still a possibility they could turn things completely around."

  "Correct. So with the top members, we need to try to win no matter what."

  "I'll go on whenever you need me." Megishima stated while having his arms crossed over his broad chest.

  "But you just finished the first bout, Megishima-senpai. That'd be two in a row."

  "That's fine. That's not enough to burn me out."

  "I can go, too. I still haven't gone against an Elite Ten." I said before pouting. "Winning by default is ruining my reputation...."

  "Are you sure you're ready to go, Gin?" Erina looked at me, and I put my hands on my hips.

  "I may be really fuckin' nervous, but I can do it."

  "Oh! Put your hands together." Megumi pointed as she stood in front of me. I did as instructed, and she suddenly smacked her hands on top of mine. "Soma taught me that to help with nerves."

  "I now am less nervous and more ready to smack Soma." I popped off.


  "All right! Now that our one-hour break is over, the second bout is finally about to begin!" Urara declared. "I wonder what the next battle will bring! The three judges will continue to be the three Bookmen from the WGO! First up, we have our next three contestants from the loathsome rebels!"

  "Oh, heya!" Kuga winked while holding up a peace sign despite the booing crowd all around us.

  "You can do it!"

  "You guys need to win again!"

  "Get them with your lovely cooking, Gin!" Yuki hollered, and I was so glad she hadn't referred to it as 'pervert cooking' like Takumi tended to.

  "And here are our three contestants from the Elite Ten!"

  "Get your asses out here!" Kuga yelled.

  "Unbelievable! We have the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Seats! They're so intense! These are the matchups as determined by the card prior to the match." Urara waved her arm toward the screens above, and I saw I was matched against Saito.

  "Yo, Megishima. Let's have a good match!" Rindo smiled.


  "Oh, Sakura!" Rindo waved her hand my way.

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