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Lydia pov

I was on my way home from the boarding school for the summer holidays. Most of the girls were over the moon to be going home and taking a break. I however, was not. See I didn't know the meaning of the thing break. At home, my mother made sure I kept up with my studies. I had tutors for


It was basically like being at school except I had to share a house with the devil. My mother. Rosa Wood is a rich, snobby, uncaring woman who doesn't understand that I need a childhood. My mum had me when she was 15 and always blamed me when things didn't go her way.

She couldn't go finishing school because I was born. Her father lost all respect for her and her mother pretended she didn't exist. They helped very much financially and grandmother babysat me alot even though we had a nanny. She really is amazing. My grandfather spoils me rotten and my grandmother is just a kind woman.

The chauffeur had picked me up in my grandfather's car and we were on our way back home. He never spoke to me so the 3 hour journey was one of complete and utter silence. I did try and talk to him but the one time I did, his reply was

"Speak when spoken to. You should learn that at school" clearly he wasn't a big supporter of women's rights. But neither is my mother so I've learnt to deal with it. I could feel myself growing increasingly tired and eventually, I caved and let the darkness take over.

I was woken up by large hands lifting me from the car and into their arms

"Hello my darling. How was your journey" I heard my grandfather's voice.

"Tiring. I missed you" I said hugging him

"There's my baby" I heard grandmother yell. She wasn't as posh as the rest of my family. She came from New York which she told me I'd a big city in America. Grandfather put me on my feet and I ran into my grandmother's arms

"I've made cookies" she said as she kissed my cheek

"Yay. I've missed your cookies" I replied.

"Don't swaddle her mother she will only get worse" I heard my mother say. I turned my body to face her as her tall figure lurked over me

"Good afternoon mother" I said looking up at her

"Hmmmm....yes" and with that she walked off. Grandfather lifted me onto his hip and said

"Don't listen to your mother. She's just a big grumpy guts" I giggled and rested my head on his shoulder as we walked inside. After greeting all the servents and my nanny, I was called down for dinner. Ugh. I hated it. And in a minute, you will understand why

I sat in my place at the table and started eating my food

"Lydia Rose! Watch your manners. We say grace first" my grandmother reminded me. Yes. My grandparents spoiled me but they still disciplined me just never physically much to my mothers disliking. I apologised and put my hands together

"Lydia. Why don't you pray for us?" Grandfather suggested

"Me?" I said shocked. I had never done it before. I pray alot but I've always been too young to say Grace for the family before dinner. My grandfather nodded his head encouragingly and so I put my hands together once again

"Dear Lord, thank you for this food we are about to receive and bless the hands that prepare it. We pray you watch over this house and all its residents, and help those less fortunate than ourselves. Amen" I finished. My grandmother smiled at me proud but my mother scoffed

"Something the matter Rosa?" Grandfather asked my mother

"Why are we asking God to watch over those less fortunate than ourselves. Its their own fault. Either they didn't work hard enough like you father or they didn't learn how to be good wives so they could marry rich men" my mother ranted. God help us

"Mother. Don't say that" I yelled at her. I often ended up arguing with my mother at dinner and I was fully aware of what was about to come. My mother got out of her chair and stormed over to me

"Right young Lady, upstairs now" she yelled as she grabbed my plate and roughly handed it to a shaking servant. I sat in fear not moving so she forcefully pulled me by my hair all the way upstairs as my grandparents protested

"Don't hurt her rosa" my grandmother yelled as she began to cry with me

"She is a little girl" my grandfather told my mother however she listened to none of them. She dragged me upstairs and made me sit on my bed as she walked out. Seconds later, she came back with her cane. I sobbed loudly as I begged for her to leave me alone but to no avail. She forced me to stand up as she caned the back on my legs harshfully and with alot of force. My sobs only grew louder and suddenly she stopped. I turned around and saw my mother sobbing on her knees

"I can't take it anymore. Go say goodbye to your grandparents. A maid will pack you a bag. We leave in 10 minutes" she told me as she got up and stormed to the bathroom probably to fix her makeup. As fast as I could which isn't very fast considering I just get caned, I ran downstairs and to the dining room. My grandparents saw me crying and hugged me tightly

"M...mother s...s...said we have t...to go a...away" I sobbed into my grandmother's chest. I heard her start to cry and my grandfather wrapped us both in a big hug

"It'll be OK. We will still see you. We promise" they said

"But I j....just got b....back" I cried. They rubbed my back and we sat in silence until the maids came down with our bags. They both gave me a big kiss on the cheek before my mother grabbed my arms and rushed us out the door. In the car, I had never been so angry with my mother but that didn't stop my curiosity

"Where are we going?" I asked finally able to control the tears


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