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Lydia pov

The Christmas holidays was up and I was finally allowed to go to school. Daddy had brought me the school uniform. I was going to one of the local but private schools like all my cousins. I was in first school so it was mixed boys and girls but daddy said once I get into middle school year 5, the boys and girls will be separated.

"Are you excited?" Aunt pol asked me as she did my hair. Daddy tried but ended up calling aunt pol. It was quite simply really. Normally the maids do it but they were very busy. I had half my hair tied up with a blue ribbon and the rest left down.


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"Very. I think I'm about to explode" I told her grinning

"I can tell. Bouncing in ya seat. All done. Go put ya shoes on love and ill get your bag" she said. I ran off to go find my shoes and managed to put them on myself with a little struggle. I ran back into the lounge where daddy and aunt pol were waiting

"Now be a good girl, and make some friends. And remember how clever you are, don't try and hide it. You are going to do so well in school Lydia Rose and when you get back, there will be home made biscuits waiting for you" aunt pol told me crouching to my level. I smiled at her and gave her a hug and a kiss before grabbing daddy's hand. He was carrying my bag

"Bye aunt pol" I yelled

"Bye sweetheart" she yelled back waving as I got in the car. I was in the back obviously because I want to live. Daddy started the car and we drove to the school. As we got closer and closer, I began to feel a bit sick

"Daddy, I don't feel well" I said. I looked back in the mirror

"What's wrong honey?" He asked

"I feel sick" I told him

"It's just nerves baby. You were so excited before. Just remember that you'll have Jack to look after ya" he said trying to comfort me

"And you" i said

Finn pov

Shit. Did she think I was coming school with her? How the fuck am I gonna tell her?

"Erm...darling...you do know I'm not going school don't ya?" I asked. I saw her face fall in the mirror

"What?" She yelled

"I just drop you off at school and then I'll pick you up. Parents aren't allowed to go school" I told her

"I don't wanna go" she said shaking her head and tears forming in her eyes. I knew that if she carried on then I would cave and let her stay home so I tried my best to comfort her. We pulled up outside school and I got her out the car and into my arms. Jack ran over to us from the playground

"Hi uncle finn" he said

"Hi Jack. Where's ya dad?" I asked hoping John would be able to help

"Mum dropped us off. But she's already gone. You alright lyd?" He asked. I put Lydia down on her feet and knelt to her height

"I don't want you to go" she said with a quivering lip

"Listen baby, you are a very smart girl. You are gonna ace school ye. Please just be brave and I'm sure you'll love it. Jack will look after ya won't ya jack" I said looking at my nephew

"Course I will. You can hang out with my friends. And don't worry uncle finn. I already told the boys she's off limits" he said. I chuckled and ruffled his hair

"You, Jack, are the best" I told him making him grin

"Thanks Jack. But I won't be staying" she said walking off. I quickly lifted her up

"I don't think so. Stay until lunch. If its really that bad then you can use the school phone and call me. I'll pick you up. I've written numbers down on a piece of paper in your bag. Now be good and show em who's boss" I told her setting her on her feet. She nodded her head nervously and Jack took her hand in his

"Come on lyd. The bell will go in a min" he said. She smiled at him gave me one last hug and a kiss before running off with him. God I hope she's alright

Lydia pov

I was in Jack's class which is lucky. The teacher however didn't seem too nice. He was an old man. About 40. And he was wearing long black robes and a mean scowl on his face

"Class, we have a new student with us. Miss Lydia shelby" he introduced me. Everyone looked at me and a few whispered to eachother. I took a seat next to Jack and the teacher began the lesson which was History. And the topic, the Tudors. I recently read a series of books about the Tudor dynasty so I should be alright with this

"Henry 7th. He became king in 1485 after defeating Richard 3rd in a war known as the war of the Roses. He reigned for 24 years before the crown went to his living son Henry 8th. Who can tell me what year Henry 8th was crowned?" The teacher Mr Clark asked. I put my hand up shyly

"Yes Mr Thompson" he said. I was sort of grateful he didn't pick me. I knew the answer but got abit shy

"1509" the boy answered. I looked back at who he was. He had blonde hair and brown eyes. Quite handsome actually

"No Mr Thompson that is not correct" the teacher said. The boys titled his head back in annoyance but stood up and made his way to the front where a teacher pulled out a cane

"What's he doing?" I whispered to Jack

"Caning him. Its what happens if you get a question wrong after putting your hand up" he whispered back. I subconsciously looked down at the faint scars that were still on my hand from my mother. The boy put his hand out on the table and closed his eyes waiting to be hit

"Stop it he was right" I yelled out. All heads turned towards me

"Excuse me miss shelby? But have some manners" the teacher said

"Henry the 8th came to the throne in 1509 because his elder brother arthur died 1502 and he was left as Henry the 7ths eldest living son. So in fact, he was right and therefore should not be caned" I told the teacher

"Where are you from miss shelby?" He asked shoving the boy back into his seat

"London sir" I said

"And have you been school before?" He asked

"I went an minors finishing school. Not quite the same type of learning programme" I answered

"I take it they forgot to teach you when to shut your trap" he said making me glare at him.

"Leave her alone" Jack yelled at the teacher. The teacher didn't reply and just carried on with the lesson. I thanked Jack and turned back to look at the boy who answered the question. He smiled at me and mouth a quick thank you which I reciprocated with a warm smile. Maybe school wouldn't be so bad

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