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Rosa pov

I wanted to go to Birmingham because it was the one place i felt truly free. It was my escape until they found me. I know Lydia's father is in Birmingham but he won't remember me. I know him from the child he left me. He has nothing to remember me by. People only remember first times, bad times and kid making times. I was definelty not bad for him. He doesn't know he has a kid. And I doubt it was his first time. Plus, what are the chances of me even seeing him? Almost none

Lydia pov

It was a long drive to Birmingham and I slept almost the entire time. When the car finally pulled up, my mother dragged my out forcefully as I screamed at her. She knelt to my level and grabbed me roughly

"Listen to me girl. We are in public. First impressions are everything. So just shut up and look pretty or I'll give you something to cry about" she harshly whispered in my ear. I nodded out of fear and quickly shut up. The chauffeur drove away leaving us in the middle of the street with nothing to do. I wanted to ask where we were staying but I had already annoyed my mother enough today. I didn't need the cane again. I picked up my bag as my mother did hers and followed her.

"Let's get something to drink first. Its been a long drive. Then we can figure out where we are staying" she said. She doesn't even know where we are staying? Did she have no plan? What a stupid woman! I know exactly what will happen. We will have a drink. My mother will have more than 1 too many and end up passing out in the pub.

This is ridiculous. I might just sue if I have to sleep in a pub. I'm not snobby. I don't care about the conditions of where we stay. But I'm not staying in a pub on a Saturday night when I know there will be drunk men meaning fighting and yelling. Something I'm not fond off

My mother opened the door to a pub. I had very little time to read the sign before my mother rushed me in however I know it starts with a 'G'

I stayed by my mother's side as she went up to the bar. She ordered herself whiskey and seemed to forget about me

"Does the youngen what anything?" The barman asked with a kind smile

"No she's alright thank you" my mother said snobbishly. I was actually very thirsty but I bet in her rush, my mother didn't bring much money. Within a week she will be annoyed without money and take us home.

As she stood by the bar, some men came in. They had caps on that made them looking intimidating and looked very tall. Well, tall for me anyway but everyone looks tall from this angle.

"Irish whiskey harry" one said as they walked to the back. Everyone had fell silent but chatter soon started up again. They must be important. I felt my mother tense but I'm not sure why. They were scary but she seemed more shocked and nervous than anything. Like when you hear your full name being yelled and think

'Oh no. I'm dead'

It was just like that. The pub was soon loud again and it was as if the men had never walked through those doors to stop time. Gotta be some powerful men to shut up a bunch of drunkards.

A man walked over to my mum and they got chatting. Thanks to my small height, he didn't see me and accidently knocked me onto the ground. Or he did see me and wanted me out of the way. I landed on my bum with a THUD and so got up, dusted myself off and decided to stay away from my mother for the rest of the night.

I looked over at the Barman who looked busy talking with a customer. Now was my chance. I snook past him and went into the back room where I had seen the men go early. Call me smart. Or call me stupid. Either way, it was too late now.

The men were sat around a table drinking whiskey and playing cards, annoying eachother and making snide remarks. They didn't even notice me so I just stood and watched them for a few minutes. But my state of peace and curiosity was cut short when I knocked over a chair. All eyes turned to me as I stood deathly still

"Looks like we have a visitor" one of the men said

"Aren't you abit young to be out at this time las?" Another asked. He seemed the eldest

"Tell me about it. Its my mother's fault though. I got bored so I thought I would see what was back here" I explained

"Oh ye. Who's ya mother?" Another man asked. God there were alot of them

"She's the whore back at the bar. But don't tell her I said that or I might as well dig my own grave" I said as I walked closer to them

"What's ya name?" The youngest asked

"Lydia Rose" I replied

"Pretty. Well why don't you stay here with us until your mother is finished at the bar" the eldest said. I smiled thankful at them as he lifted me up so I sat next to him in the booth.

"I'm John. These are my brothers Tommy, Arthur and finn, our cousin Michael and friend isaiah" they introduced. I waved to them and they all smiled back at me except Tommy. He just nodded his head as if to say hello

"You don't sound like your from around here" isaiah said as he took another sip of his drink

"I lived with my mother and grandparents in London but my mother had an stick shoved up her arse and so decided to bring me here" I replied through gritted teeth. I definetly despised my mother for doing this

"Wow. You do not like you mother do ya" Michael chuckled

"She's a witch" I replied shrugging

"Fair fucks" finn said. We talked alot and they made me laugh but then the door flung open

"Lydia Rose! What do you think you are doing wondering off like that" my mother screamed at me as she dragged me off the seat

"Don't blame her love. It was our fault we got her talking" Arthur said apologetically. But my mother wasn't listening. She was staring. Staring at Finn like she was piercing his soul

"Hi Finn" she said spiteful

"Rosa" he greeted 

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