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Lydia pov

The journey home was Tiring. However I had never been so grateful to understand French. The officers would speak about me and my situation in French thinking I couldn't understand. There were 2 main officers who accompanied me for the journey. Officer Monet and officer Laurent. And then a female assistant, Madame Dupont. They were nice enough but didn't tell me any information. Well not on purpose anyways.

On a boat to England, I was very tired. I had barely slept a wink at fear. I hardly knew these people and now I was supposed to sleep in a room with them. We were in the car for 11 hours. From 10pm to 9am. Then there was loads of paper work so after 3 hours, we were on a boat. The boat ride was 6 hours so by the time I arrived in England, it was 6pm. That's where the French officers left me and the English officers were waiting

"Lady Lydia, your grandparents have been worried sick" a man I recognised told me. He was at my grandparents ball so must be important

"I too have been very scared. Am i going back to live with them?" I asked nervous. I really wanted to see them and know they were safe but I also wanted my daddy.

"No my lady. I was asked to accompany you along with an officer back to Birmingham. Is that alright?" He asked

"More than alright sir. Beg my Pardon however I can't remember your name" I apologised

"I am sir Archie Dutton. Your grandfather's cousin" he informed me. I nodded my head as a police officer walked over to us

" ello luv. You've had quite the night. Well we best get you ome. Maybe tonight you can sleep in ya own bed" the officer said before ruffling my hair which I didn't like. However I decided to let it pass. I was simply too tired

"Just some paper work to sort out first luv" he added. Bloody hell. More paper work. I'll be 30 by the time I get home at this rate. Sir Dutton and the officer went inside and I followed. Who I saw made my heart jump. I ran over to the friend I have missed so much and he lifted me up into a huge hug

"Alfie! I've missed you" I squealed as he kissed my cheek

"I've missed you too. We all av darlin. Now how bout we ditch those tossers and ill drive you to Birmingham myself" he suggested smiling. I didn't even need to reply verbally as my smirk was the only answer he needed.

Finn pov

I slept better than usual, knowing she was finally safe. However I couldn't help the guilt building up inside of me. How could I let this happen? She's my baby girl and I couldn't even protect her. I failed her and I'd be surprised if she even wants to see me anymore. I can only assume she will want to live with her grandparents after this.

All day I have been on edge. Biting my finger nails, bouncing my knee up and down with nerves. It got to the point where Arthur shoved a bottle of whiskey and down me throat because I was stressing him out.

"Finn. Calm down mate. Lydia's safe and she's on her way home as we speak. In a few hours, she'll be here" John said as he clapped my back. But still the nerves were there. I just needed to see her. Patience has never been my kind of thing

Lydia pov

At half 6, me and Alfie ditched the tossers and he began the drive back home.

"Your dad isn't expecting you back until about 9pm. We will be there a couple hours early to surprise him" Alfie told me. I smiled at him but I was nervous. What if he was mad at me? Oh god. He's gonna send me away now. I know he will. Alfie noticed the smile was forced and stroked my hair back

"What's wrong lyd?" He asked

"I'm happy to be going home. But what if daddy's mad?" I asked

"You have your dad wrapped around your little finger. Nothing you do can ever make him mad. I promise" he replied keeping his eyes on the road

"Now you have a sleep. You look exhausted. I'll wake you up when you're home" he told me. It only took seconds before i was asleep and in a world of pure imagination

Finn pov

I needed my baby back. My darling girl. It was half 7, just a few more hours and she would be here. Polly was at my house to greet Lydia. We didn't want to overwhelm her with everything that's happened so the rest of the family went home. I waited impatiently by the window for her to come home

"Finn, your gonna make yourself ill. Calm down would ya?" Polly scolded me as I bit my fingernails

"I can't help it" I muttered. I heard a car pull up to the drive way but looked a the clock. It won't be lyd. Too early. Which meant it must be bad news. What if something happened on the journey?

Lyd pov

Alfie shook me awake causing me to rub my eyes

"Come on luv. You're home" he told me. My face beamed as he stopped the car. He helped me out the car and I immediately saw the door swing open.

"Daddy!" I yelled as I ran towards him. He ran to me with his arms open and engulfed me in the most needed hug ever. I heard him crying as was I

"Oh my baby. Im so sorry. Im so sorry" he kept repeating as he stroked my hair and lifted me off the ground

"It wasn't your fault daddy" i told him kissing his cheek. He smiled and attacked me with kisses. Aunt pol ran outside aswell and I gave her a big hug. As I reunited with my aunt, I saw daddy going over and shaking hands with Alfie

"Thank you alfie" I yelled in pollys arms as I waved. I saw him chuckle and wave back before he drove off back to London. Daddy swooped me into his arms and we all went inside. Aunt pol made me hot chocolate whilst I sat in a blanket on daddy's lap

"Have you eaten baby?" Daddy asked me. I was almost asleep so simply shook my head

"Don't fall asleep yet hun. You need to eat" polly told me, handing me my drink. I nodded and sat up straighter so I didn't fall asleep

"I'll make you some jam on toast" she told me going into the kitchen. We had Cooks, chefs, maids, butlers. But aunt pol preferred making me things herself. Not always but little things like toast and warm drinks. It's nicer when she makes it anyway

"Thank you" I thanked as she kissed my head and handed me my toast. I ate it all and drank my drink before cuddling more into Daddy

"I think you and Daddy both need to go bed. Neither of you have slept the past few days so go on, up to bed" aunt pol ushered us upstairs. Daddy lifted me up on his hip and walked me to my bedroom but I clung onto him.

"Can I sleep with you please daddy" I asked.

"Course darling" he said going into his own room. He helped me get dressed and then got changed himself before we both went to bed. I, as always, made my bed on his chest and his arms wrapped around me protectively

"Daddy" I mumbled tired

"Yes baby" he replied equally groggy

"What's gonna happen now?" I asked. He hugged me tighter and stroked my hair

"Well, what your mother did was wrong. And illegal. That means she is going to jail for a long time. So she no longer has custody of you" he replied

"So I live with you? Forever?" I asked

"Ye baby. Forever. Because you're my little girl and you don't need to leave" he said kissing my head

"I don't ever wanna leave" I told him

"Not even when you meet a boy?" He asked

"I don't need a boyfriend. I have you to protect me" I told him. I could almost hear him grinning

"I'm so happy to hear you say that" he said

"Let's go sleep now honey. Its been a long day" he said. I nodded against his chest and fell asleep. Safe, protected, warm and happy

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