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Haha. Spoke too soon. Maths was tragic especially since I have never learnt it before. Not something my previous school found important when learning to be a wife. Some of the girls were teasing me for not knowing anything and I got really upset but tried not to show it. Tears were forming in my eyes as i said to them

"Non scio numeros sed scio quomodo uti sclopeto"

I was lucky they didn't know Latin. They were offended because knew whatever I said wasn't nice but didn't know enough to be able to snitch on me. But snitches end up in ditches anyway. Jack was grinning next to me

"What did ya say?" He whispered

"I may not know numbers but i know how to use a gun" i told him making him fist bump me. The girls kept trying to torment me but I wouldn't let them.

Come lunch time I had already earnt myself 5 detentions and been caned twice. Jack had 5 detentions also for sticking up for me and has been caned once. But he also has a bruised fist from when he punched a teacher in the face and made his nose bleed. That earnt him 2 of the detentions he had received. I decided now was the time to call daddy. He can pick both me and Jack up.

We went to the school phone that was allowed to be  used at break and lunch times. I got the paper from my bag and looked at the phone numbers. I had all members of the family on here, betting shop, garrison and a few people daddy works with. I decided to call daddy first and work my way down the list. He did answer the house phone so I called John's house. No one answered and after trying all family members, I realised they will all be together since they are not home. So I tried the garrison but Harry said they weren't here. I tried the betting shop then. Finally someone answered. Me and Jack put the phone inbetween us so we could both hear

A: Hello?
L: uncle Arthur! You've gotta come save us
Jk: The teachers av gone mad
A: Jack? What are you two doing?
Jk: can you put me dad on the phone
A: alright hang on
Jn: what's wrong mate?
L: I don't like school. Daddy said he would pick me up and he had to pick Jack up aswell
Jn: well why what's happened?
Jk: we've got 5 detentions each. And we've been caned on our hands. It fucking hurts
Jn: they caned ya?
L: ye. Please pick us up
Jn: alright ill be there in 10 minutes

We hung up and waited by the school gates. I saw uncle John's car pull up and both him and daddy stepped out. Me and Jack ran to our dad's who lifted us up

"Let's look then" uncle john said. We showed them our hands

"Fuck" they said under their breath

"What's that from?" Uncle John asked twisting Jack's hand so he could see the brusing on his knuckles

"Erm...ye...funny story actually. One that i would love to explain once we're home" he said. Uncle John rolled his eyes but they put us in the back on the car and began to drive home

"We're going the betting shop because we've still got work to do" daddy said

"OK." Me and Jack said. We went back to the betting shop and I sat on daddy's knee as Jack sat on uncle John's

"So why did ya get so many detentions ay?" Uncle Arthur asked

"The teachers didn't like me" I said

"How can anyone not like you?" Esme asked stroking my cheek making me smile

"She is smarter than them" Jack answered truthfully. Man ain't wrong

"Now that I can believe" aunt pol said

"I don't wanna go school ever again" I told everyone

"And you don't have to baby" daddy said

"Hey dad-"

"You're going school" John cut Jack off making Jack groan

"Fine" he said rolling his eyes making me laugh.

After work, daddy drove us to the garrison. Jack went home with esme and aunt pol. But me daddy my uncles and Michael went the pub. Lizzie was already there. I ran up to her and sat next to her

"How's my favourite niece?" She asked

"The teachers caned me" I complained showing her my hands

"Oh you poor baby" she said kissing them better

"Am I really your favourite niece?" I asked

"The others aren't here so I'm allowed to say yes" she replied. Good enough for me

All the men took a seat finally after getting more drinks. It was Monday night but who the fuck cares. What was a nice evening however, soon turned into a horrendous night. Tommy and Arthur were arguing which sooned into everyone arguing other than me and lizzie who just sat back and watched. But eventually she had to get involved and try and sort them out.

Finn pov

We were arguing about the business. And Tommy always being so bossy. And them treating me like a baby despite the fact I have my own child. As we yelled lizzie screamed

"SHUT IT!" We all silenced our selves and looked at her

"You're scaring the poor girl" lizzie said walking over to Lydia who I now noticed was crying

"You're scaring the poor girl" lizzie said walking over to Lydia who I now noticed was crying

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I reached for Lydia but she stepped back away from me and began crying louder. My face dropped as I realised I had scared my own daughter. Lizzie lifted her up and rocked her in her arms

"I'm going home. I'll drop lyd off at pollys. Sort ya selves out" she said before leaving the pub with my crying daughter in her arms

"Fuck" I screamed and kicked a chair.

"It's alright finn" John said

"How is it alright? You saw her. She was fucking terrified of me. What kind of father am I if I scare me own kid?" I yelled at him before storming out the garrison for a smoke

Lydia pov

Lizzie carried me to aunt pols as I cried. But aunt pol made it better with cuddles and hot chocolate

"What happened sweetheart?" Aunt ada asked me

Don't know if I ever introduced ada and Lydia but let's pretend incase I forgot

"The men were arguing. Glasses being smashed, chairs kicked and broke. The usual. Scared the poor girl" lizzie explained as I was too upset to answer. I was still crying on Aunt pols knee

"Oh my dear. Don't you worry ye? Your daddy was just being silly and I'm sure he is very sorry" she said to me kissing my tear stained cheeks. She hugged me and soon enough, I was asleep

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