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Finn pov

When I got to aunt pols, ada lizzie and esme were there as Lydia slept on the sofa

"Where's pol?" I asked

"Out" ada replied not looking at me

"Is she alright?" I asked creeping over to the sofa as of not to wake her

"As alright as she can be when her own father scares her" lizzie said standing up and walking to the kitchen. She came back with a cup of hot chocolate

"What ya doing?" I asked as esme shook lyds shoulders

"If I don't wake her up now then she won't sleep tonight. I'm doing you a favour not that you deserve one" she said back. I nodded in thanks as she lifted a half awake Lydia onto her knee. She drank the hot chocolate and completely ignored my presence so i took a seat next to her

"Hey baby. Im sorry for scaring you" I told her

"You smashed a glass" she whispered

"I know I did and I shouldn't have done that. I was just angry" I explained

"I don't like it when you yell. Promise you won't do it again?" She said with tears in her eyes

"I promise my love" I told her. She reached for me so i lifted her onto my knee and kissed her head

"Then I forgive you" she said kissing my cheek. I smiled down at her. What did I do to deserve such a wonderful daughter? It was half 6 so I decided to take lyd home for tea. I myself was starving. I got her coat on and helped her with her shoes then grabbed her hand and left the house

"Where's the car?" She asked

"At the pub" I told her

"So we gotta walk all that way?" She asked with her mouth open

"Yep. It's not that far love" I told her looking down as she rolled her eyes. We walked a few more steps before Lydia stopped completely

"Everything alright baby?" I asked. She didn't reply and just lifted up her arms. I rolled my eyes but lifted her on my hip and carried her the rest of the way. We saw the car

"Finally" I heard lyd groan. I chuckled at her.

"You weren't the one walking" I told her

"Ye but its freezing daddy. What are we having for tea?" She asked as I put her in the car. I thought for a moment

"Ye know what get out" i told her

"Huh?" She asked scrunching her eyebrows in confusion

"Come on. I know exactly what we are having for tea" I said lifting her on my shoulder making her giggle. I walked a little bit further until we got to the chippy

"Right, what do you want?" I asked her before we went in

"I don't know. I've never been here before" she said

"You've never been a chippy?"

"I don't think it's quite considered lady like enough for us to have at boarding school" she said as I put her down on her feet

"I'll order for ya then" I todl her making her nod. We walked in and I ordered a child's fish n chips and an adults fish n chips. I payed the man and then walked to the canal.

"We can sit in a boat and eat it" I told her. I went on the boat and out the food down before jumping back across and getting lyd

"Ready?" I asked her

"Nope" she said but I jumped anyway. We landed on the boat so I sat her down and handed her the fish n chips. We sat and ate the delicious food

"Why are there stars in the sky?" She asked

"Erm...dunno. You'll have to ask aunt pol. She knows it all" I told her

"A boy in class today asked the teacher. She said it was where people go when they die. Do you think she's right?" She asked. Wow deep stuff

"Maybe she's right. Maybe she's not. No one can know until it's too late" I answered

"I think people end up in heaven. That's in the sky. Or hell. Do you think I'll go to heaven?" She asked

"What's Brought this on?"

"People at school say because I'm a shelby, ill die young." She answered seemingly unbothered

"That's not true love. You are gonna live a long happy life. Im sure of it. And when your time comes, if you keep keep heart of gold you have now them you will be head of the table in heaven" I told her ruffling her hair. We finished eating and I lifted lyd out of the boat and we began the walk back to the car.

The ride home was Lydia jabbering on about how bad school was and how thick the kids are.

"I mean really! Who in there right mind would say the last monarch at Hampton Court was Elizabeth tudor. It was obviously George 2nd"

"I honestly don't know love" I said laughing at her. She kept talking about school making me laugh but my ears pricked when I heard her say

"He was kinda cute"

I slammed the car on in the middle of the luckily empty road and whipped my head around

"Who's cute?" I asked

"A boy at school. He almost got caned by the teacher but turns our the teacher was wrong. So I helped him." She told me

"Thank god you're not going school anymore then" I said starting the car again

"Ye. But I can still be friends with him. He is one of Jack's best friends so when I play with jack, i can also play with the boy. His last name is Thompson but I didn't get chance to find out his first name" she said. We pulled into the drive and I lifted lyd into my arms and walked into the house

"Listen baby, I love that you're making friends. But maybe stick to either family or girls" I suggested

"But I don't like the girls. They were mean to me" she said with a sad face. I didn't want her seeing boys but I also didn't want her to be alone

"Alright fine. But you only play with him when Jack's there understood?" She smiled at me and nodded her head

"I'm sleepy. Can we go bed now" she said rubbing her eyes

"Sure honey" I lifted her up and walked up the stairs where a very excited nigel greeted us

"Haha. He's funny" she laughed as nigel sniffed his own arse. Why did I get a dog?

"Hmmm. He's something" I muttered throwing her on the bed making her squeal. We both got dressed and brushed our teeth. The maid did Lydia's hair for bed since I couldn't and neither could lyd. I really should learn. We both got in bed and she snuggled closer to me

"You don't need to worry daddy. I don't need that boy. I only made friends with him because you weren't there to protect me" she said sleepily. I smiled as my eyes closed

"Goodnight sweetheart"

"Goodnight daddy"

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