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Finn pov

"Lydia Rose Shelby. You get your butt back here right now" I ordered as I chased her around the house

"No. I'm not going" she screamed

"You are going because I said so" I yelled at her. She stuck her tongue out and then ran off round the house again. We were supposed to leave in 5 minutes for a horse race and Lydia was adamant about not going. I could have got the maids to watch her but I couldn't let her get her way all the time. As much as I hate saying no, I have to so she doesn't end up bratty

"Get your shoes on or you can go barefoot. Either way, we are leaving in 5 minutes" I warned her before I stormed out of the living room. I was so angry right now. This was our first proper fight. Lydia very rarely had tantrums and if she did, they were small and normally resolved in minutes. We have been arguing for half an hour.

"Right that's it" I screamed. I walked into the living room and grabbed her hand. I forced her to sit on the step and then bent down to her height

"Put your fucking shoes on" I told her.

"Or what?" She screamed in my face. Oh she has crossed a line

"I don't raise brats" I told her

"You didn't raise me at all" she said not looking at me. I grabbed her feet and forced her to put her new shoes on before carrying her kicking and screaming to the car. I fastened her in as she continued to yell at me and I drove quickly to the horse race. I really was not in a good mood.

Arthur saw our car so ran over to us

"Morning" he greeted

"Piss off" I groaned

"Hey. What the fucks put you in a bad mood?" He asked swinging his arm round my shoulder. I opened Lydia's door and had to drag her out of the car

"Now I know" Arthur muttered as he watched Lydia try and kick me. I knelt down to her height and grabbed her shoulders

"Lydia Rose. When I was your age i would've got a slap for being so bratty. Now you are staying here with me until the race is over and I don't want to here another peep" I warned her

"Peep" she muttered under her breath

"Fucking hell" I said. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to our box where we were watching the race from

"Being a 6 year old had really out you in a bad mood ain't it" John joked. Bad idea John

"Shut up" she screamed

"Hey. You don't speak to people like that. Say sorry to uncle john" I told her. She stood on a chair and crossed her arms looking at me

"I will when you take me home" she said

"Not fucking happening. Now sit down, watch the race and shut up" I ordered. She rolled her eyes but sat down anyway.

Lydia pov

I hated horse races. They were so awful and made me feel ridiculous. Daddy told me to shut up but how was I supposed to do that and do my job? I had spent the entire morning kicking and screaming. I said alot of things I didn't mean but I would rather get grounded for life than go to a horse race. I realised when they were getting the horses ready that I had lost this battle. I might as well do the job properly. As my family was talking, I left the box and walked around the stands.

I went up to a man I thought I recognised and asked

"How are you today?"

"Good. But the air is a little chilly. You?"

"Fine thank you. The sun is brighter than I've ever seen" he nodded his head and we walked back where no one could see us. That conversation was the way of knowing if the people worked for my grandfather. He had passed but his company was still being run. The man gave me a 3 needles and the liquid I needed

"Number 2 and number 4" he told me

"Thank you sir" I said before walking off. I hated this part of my job. I had to inject the horses I was assigned with a liquid that made them ill almost instantly. I hated it because I loved horses but if I didn't then people got hurt. I don't know who. I was just told that by doing this, I am keeping people alive. It was also dangerous. I knew that one kick of the horse to my head would be enough to kill me. There have been a few close calls but I have luckily dodge them or the horse was centimetres away.

The plan was always the same. A boy who I knew well called Marcus would distract the staff by saying he was lost. They would be forced to look around for his parents whilst I inject 2 of the horses. They decided what hors I needed to inject by which ones they wanted or needed to win. The ones which are a threat need to be injected. Makes their legs weak and most of them drop dead before the race is over

Finn pov

After joking around with John, I turned to see Lydia. She had been too quiet. When I turned around, she wasn't there

"Fuck" I said as I stood up instantly

"Don't worry she can't have gone far" Tommy said. We left the box and began searching for her. Then I spotted her. She was stood dangerously close to the horses.

"Lydia" I screamed. She looked at me eyes wide and dropped what looked like a needle from her hand. She turned around to see the staff looking at her

"Hey!" They yelled. Lydia ran towards me and away from the staff who were chasing her. When they saw our family, they stopped chasing and checked the horses instead. I knelt down and gripped lydia by the shoulders

"What were you doing to the poor horses?" I asked her. I thought she liked horses

"You were the one making me do it" she yelled

"I never asked you to inject horses" I screamed at her making her jump

"B..but you said we were going to the horse races. That m...means I gotta play my part" she said lip quivering

"Baby, we don't hurt horses" I told her

"But I thought if I don't then people die. I love horses but I can't let people die" she said crying. I wiped her tears and picked her up.

"Who told you that?" I asked

"Granfather. When we go races I had to inject the horses with a liquid that a man would give me somewhere from the crowds. I thought I always had to do that" she cried

"Oh baby. Im sorry. Your grandfather's isn't right. Listen to me, you're OK now. Everything fine. The horses are fine and happy look" i spun her around to face the horses who were neighing happily. She nodded her head

"Is that why you didn't want to come? Because you didn't want to hurt the horses?" Tommy asked. A sobbing Lydia nodded her head and clung onto my tighter. I kissed her head and rocked her

"Ssshhh. Its OK. I think we are gonna head home" I said. I wave goodbye to everyone and walked to the car. Lydia wanted to sit on my knee so I let her

"It's not your fault. And I'm sorry for not listening to your reason for not wanting to come today" i apologised

"That's OK. I thought I had to inject the horses. When you said we were going horse races I thought that's what you wanted me to do" she sobbed

"I would never make you hurt anyone or anything. I promise you that" I said kissing her. I pulled the car into the driveway and carried Lydia inside.

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