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Nessa Johnson age 19

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Nessa Johnson age 19. Btw, finn is now 20

 Btw, finn is now 20

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Dan Johnson age 6

Finn pov

Friday night had come. Arthur had agreed to watch Lydia for me so I could go on this date. And I was so nervous. I was trying to find a suit to wear but I had no idea what to wear

"Daddy, wear this one" Lydia said pointing to one in my wardrobe

"Good choice" i agreed taking the suit off the hanger. I changed in the bathroom and walked back out to show Lydia

"How do I look?" I asked

"Hmmm....very handsome. But you need to sort your hair out" she said

"What's wrong with my hair?" I asked

"It's sticking up in all the wrong places" she said moving her hands for dramatic effect. I rolled my eyes but knelt down infront of her so she could sort it for me

"Much better" she smiled. I lifted her up and walked downstairs to see Arthur on the sofa

"I'm gonna start locking that door" i grumbled. I'm glad he's here but no one ever fucking knocks. I threw Lydia onto his knee making him groan and her squeal

"Looking good finn" Arthur said grinning

"I have this for you daddy" Lydia said handing me a piece of paper. It said

Rules for dating

1. Get her flowers
2. Hold doors for her including car doors
3. Ask her to dance
4. Don't step on her toes
5. Buy her drinks
6. When you're at her door to end the night, kiss her in the lips
7. Don't let Dan see you kissing for his own wellbeing

I chucked at the last one. I read them out to Arthur who agreed with them all

"Dan told me to add the last one" she explained making me laugh even more

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