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Lydia pov

I was so angry with my mother. How could she send me away again? Doesn't my dad have a say in the matter?

"I'll get it sorted. You won't be going back to London if you don't want to" Uncle Tommy said. I smiled at him and dug my head into my father's chest

"Go sleep love. I'll wake you in 15 minutes" Daddy told me. I closed my eyes and it didn't take long before the darkness consumed me and I was put into a state of peace

Finn pov

Lyd had fallen asleep on my knee. I looked down at her and felt my heart pain. I don't think I could ever let her go boarding school. It's so far away and for such a long time

"Don't worry finn. I'll visit the woman tomorrow, make sure she understands" Tommy told me. That was code for 'I'll go the womans house with a gun and threaten her' but either way I didn't care. Anything to keep Lydia close

"She's just so small. I can't imagine her living without parents around" I said staring at my baby

"Shes does that everytime She's at her mothers house. I bet the woman never even speaks-" aunt pol stopped her sentence and looked at lyd. She moved closer quickly and gently grabbed her arm

"Look at her hand" she said. And so we all did. 3 new scars ran across her hand. You could tell they were knew from the redness.

"Rosa's been using a cane on her" Arthur muttered before standing up and going to kick a chair. John held him back and motioned towards the sleeping girl who would surely be woken if he broke something.

"So what are we gonna do?" John asked

"I'm getting full custody. I don't care how much money she has. It's all her father's anyway. He agrees that she is a shit mother and has said he would help me get full custody" I explained not taking my eyes of my daughter

"Why havnt you fought for custody sooner?" Aunt pol asked

"Rosa barged in and took Lydia. I didn't want to scare my daughter by making a scene" i told her. She nodded her head and kissed Lydia's cheek

"Come on darling. Naps over now" she said. Lydia squinted and rubbed her eyes to adjust to the blinding lights.

"Let's go eat. In fucking starving" John said as he stood up and went to the dining room. I lifted lydia onto my hip and carried her. We all sat down and much to my brothers surprise and aunt pols liking, my daughter said Grace before we ate

"How's your arm lyd?" Tommy asked. She held up her arm that was covered in a cast and said

"Better now. I think i can take off the cast" grinning at me hoping i would say yes

"Absolutely not. Its not heeled yet. Gotta keep it on for 4 more weeks" I told her. She groaned and rolled her eyes but carried on eating

"Daddy, you know how I love you sooooo much" she said with puppy eyes

"What do you want and how much will it cost?" I asked her. My brothers seemed to find his amusing

"Can i have a unicorn. Pretty please with a cherry on top"

She had an adorable smile on her face

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She had an adorable smile on her face

"Er....Well sweetheart, I cant get you a unicorn because....they erm....they" I stuttered not knowing how to explain they weren't real. Her little face was so full of hope until she looked at arthur and said

"You were right, that was fun" Arthur was laughing with her and I rolled my eyes

"Really? Do you understand how scary that was?" I asked Arthur. He just ruffled my hair and high fived lyd.

"Not funny" I grumbled stabbing my food with my fork

"Was abit" John muttered smirking.

After tea, lyd went to go and play with her dolls in her room with polly. I sat drinking whiskey and playing cards with my brothers.

Lydia pov

I was really enjoying playing dolls with aunt pol. She is really nice

"Lyd, since its just the 2 of us I wanted to speak with you about something" she told me.

"What?" I asked confused as to what was so important that we had to be alone

"Those marks on your hand, did your mother do that?" She asked. Is that it? I thought it would be something worse

"Ye. She doesn't like when I answer back. And she doesn't like me crying because I miss Daddy or my grandparents. It doesn't hurt anymore though" I told her shrugging. She had a sympathetic expression on her face but I didn't know why. It really wasn't that bad

"Oh honey. Listen, I'm gonna speak with your dad and see if you can live here. Your mother shouldn't have ever hurt you" she said stroking my hair

"Really?" I asked. She nodded smiling making me smile back at her.

Finn pov

"So what are you gonna do about Lydia?" John asked putting a card down

"She's gonna stay here. If Rosa has anything to say about it then I'll simply kill her" I replied with a straight face.

"I thought you didn't want that?! Said her fathers too powerful and rich" Arthur grunted

"I couldn't give a toss about her father. Lydia's in danger if she goes back and i won't let her get hurt" I explained. Nothing would hurt my daughter. Not even some posh stuck up rich twat of a woman. My brothers and aunt pol left soon after. Lydia was still upstairs playing dolls and I was downstairs thinking

"Daddy" I heard my daughter say. I turned around and saw my baby with tears running down her cheeks. I opened my arms and she ran into them as a sob escaped her mouth

"What's wrong honey?" I asked sitting her on my knee

"Aunt pol said I can live here. B...but what if m...mother makes me l...live in London?" She asked as her lip quivered. I hugged her and let her cry into my chest

"Don't worry baby. I won't let her take you." I promised. I lifted her up and carried her upstairs after hearing her yawn. I lay her down in her bed and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight princess. I love you so much" I whispered

"Night Daddy. Love you too" I smiled and walked away from her bed. I turned her light off and left the room

Lydia pov

I fell asleep almost instantly. It was anything but peaceful. I kept imagining my mother storming in and taking me away. Away from everyone I love and back to London. I missed my grandparents so much, but in my dream, they aren't there. Instead I am sent straight back to the boarding school with no one to love me.

I woke up in a panick and tears. Climbing out of bed, i felt the cold floor under my feet. I walked towards the curtains and looked out to see it was still dark

From fear, I ran into the hall and to the room next to mine. This was daddy's room. He was lay in bed bare chest, the covers only up to his waist. He was snoring loudly making me giggle. I ran over to his bed and jumped up. I scrambled under the covers until I reached him. His eyes squinted open and looked at me

"What ya doing?" He asked in a groggy voice as I lay on his chest

"Nightmare" I muttered. I put my thumb in my mouth and soon fell asleep

Finn pov

Lyd fell asleep seconds after I woke up. I moved her thumb from out of her mouth but she put it straight back in. That is something I will work to stop but right now, I am too tired to care. I left her to sleep and soon let darkness take-over as I too, fell asleep.

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