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Lydia pov

The rest of the week was so boring. I honestly didn't know what to do with myself. I had my tutors like always however once 3 o'clock arrived, I had only my dolls to entertain me. Ridiculous really. I have hardly seen mother and when I do see her, she doesn't speak, only orders

"Stand straighter Lydia Rose"

"Don't drag your feet Lydia Rose"

"Stop whining Lydia Rose"

Well ya know what?! I can drag my feet as much as I want when she's not around so ha. Who am I kidding? I couldn't drag my feet even if I tried. It's like to boarding school trained me to be bad at it. I hate being good. It's boring.

Friday finally came and instead of daddy picking me up, the chauffeur was dropping me off. But I didn't mind. As long as I got to see daddy then I wouldn't complain. In the car, we drove for a few minutes before I immediately got bored. So I started pulling faces out of the window at people making them laugh

The driver looked through the mirror at me and tutted under his breathe before speaking words

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The driver looked through the mirror at me and tutted under his breathe before speaking words. Yes. Actual words. Very rare to hear them come out of his mouth but it happened

"Lady Lydia, I suggest you stop that before you embarrass your self even further" he said in a stern voice however I ignored him. I wasn't embarrassing myself. What's embarrassing about making people laugh? I carried on pulling faces until he hit the steering wheel in anger and turned around to look at me

"PACK IT IN BEFORE I GIVE YOU A CRACK" I had never been yelled at before by someone who isn't my mother. I'm well behaved and so there is no need. But when he yelled, something in me broke and I burst into tears. Fear shot through my body like it does when mother uses her cane. He rolled his eyes before turning back to the road.

After 5 more minutes of me crying, we were outside daddy's house. He was stood outside waiting for us as was uncle Arthur, uncle John and uncle Tommy. I didn't wait for the chauffeur to open my door like usual and I just jumped out the car, tears staining my cheeks. Daddy's face fell as I ran to him in tears. He swooped me into his arms and I dug my face into his neck. With his hand, he stroked my long hair on my back whilst he used his other to hold me up

"What's wrong darling?" Uncle John asked. I didn't reply and just kept my face buried in daddy's neck

Finn pov

As Lydia cried in my arms, I looked over at the chauffeur who had quickly scurried in the car looking nervous

"Was it the driver?" I asked her quietly. I felt her nod her head in my neck as her sobs quietened down. Aunt pol came outside and got Lydia in her own arms. Polly took her inside as me and my brothers made our way towards the driver who was still trying to start the car. Tommy dragged him out of the car by his neck and pushed him to the ground

"Now what av you been saying to our lyds?" John asked him as Arthur kicked him

"Nothing sir. I just told her not to pull faces at people" i didn't want to hear his excuses. Anger arose in me and something snapped inside. I grabbed my peaky cap off my head and punched the razor into her petrified eyes. His cries grew louder as my brothers held him still. I wanted to stop but something was telling me not to. I wanted him dead but I knew that was a step too far even for a shelby.

John roughly picked him up by the arm and pushed him into the car. The man, still screaming did his best to drive away whilst not being able to see but he got out of the drive. As long as he didn't make a mess on my property then I couldn't care less where he crashes.

We walked back inside and saw Lydia on Aunt pols knee, no more tears and smiling happily as she spoke with polly. I went to her but Tommy held me back

"Your hands" he whispered in my ear. I looked down to see blood stained hands. I couldn't have my daughter see me like this. I ran to the bathroom and quickly washed them clean before heading back to the living room.

"Better princess?" I asked her lifting her onto my knee

"Ye. He was scary" she said looking up at me.

"Don't worry. He won't be bothering you anymore" I promised her. If he couldn't see then he couldn't drive meaning he would no longer work for her.

"So 3 nights with ya dad ay. Bet ya excited ain't ya" Arthur said ruffling her hair. She giggled and replied

"Very. Its been a very boring week. Mother told me to give you this" she handed me a letter from her bag and I shared a look with my brothers. Whatever she had written was sure not to be good

"I'll look at it later baby" i told her kissing her cheek

"Mother said you need to read it immediately. She says it involves my future and it can not wait" she said to me urging me to open the letter. I gave in and opened it but held it so she couldn't read

"What the fucking hells this? Not even in bloody english" I said as I looked at the letter. What is she playing at? I handed polly the letter and she then passed it onto my brothers none of which knew the language

"Can I look please? I could translate it for you" Lydia said looking up at me with her big beautiful eyes

"And how would ya do that? You might not even speak the language" John told her. Bad idea John. She's a smart girl my lyd

"I speak Russian, Romani, French, Spanish, German, Polish and a little bit of Latin. My mother speaks Russian and French. If she wrote the letter then I will be able to translate" she said leaning over to try and read the letter. I trusted lyd to read it perfectly. But it worried me that I had no idea what she is reading. I hesitantly gave her the letter

"Уважаемый мистер Шелби
Это письмо касается будущего моей дочери. Когда лето закончится, она вернется в свою школу в Лондоне, чтобы продолжить свое образование. Я считаю, что она отстает. В последнее время она отвечает и говорит по собственной воле. Я не позволю этому продолжаться" she read as if it were her first language. I'm the father of a fucking genius

"That's very clever love but can you translate otherwise this is utterly useless" Arthur asked her. She nodded her head and read it again to translate

"Dear Mr Shelby
This letter is to adress the future of my daughter. Once summer is over, she will be returning to her school in London to keep up her education. I believe she is falling behind. Lately she has been answering back and talking at her own free will. I shall not allow this to continue" Lydia seemed very angry and he hands were shaking. None of us said anything so lyd shouted out

"How much jail time if you murder your own mother?" I would've chuckled but she looked so sad and angry. I hugged her tightly and rubbed her back as i saw tears pool in her eyes

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