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Lydia pov

Cold. That's how i felt. Like ice was melting around my body as I lay helpless. I have been in hospital for 3 days now and its modern day torture. Its currently Christmas eve. Daddy hasn't left the hospital. He looks tired and worried constantly but i don't know how to help. I sleep most the time and when I'm not sleeping I'm vomiting. Blood. Dark red blood. When daddy sees his eyes go wide and he looks ready to cry. I just don't understand why. It's not like it's never happened to me before. I presume mother told him. She doesn't like me but she still cares about my health. But I am getting a little better. I don't feel so bad anymore. I'm a little more awake and although i am still vomiting, it's not as much

He was sat next to the bed rubbing my back and holding the bowl as i threw up. A nurse was getting some medicine ready next to me. I finished throwing up and low and behold, it was blood....again. Big surprise ay

"It's OK princess" daddy said to me kissing my forehead. I leant on his arm as the nurse came and gave me my medicine which I took with a frown on my face

"Your temperature is going down a little. That's good" the nurse said to me like I was 5. Well technically I am. But I don't need to be spoken like it

"Why am i still here?" I whined burying my face in daddy's bicep. He rubbed my back and said

"Because you're still not well baby"

"But I didn't go hospital before" I yelled scrunching my eyebrows up and crossing my arms. There was no reply for a little bit until the nurse asked

"This has happened before?"

"Ye. I got ill a few years ago and this happens every year. But i just stay at home and im fine. Please can I go home for christmas" I begged looking at daddy

"I'll be back in a minute baby" he told me before walking out with the nurse. After 20 minutes, daddy walked back in and sat on my bed

"You can go home but-"

"Yay" I squealed

"But... you rest at home and agree to do a blood test before we leave" my mouth dropped open. A blood test meant a needle. This could go so wrong

"Erm...I'll rest but I'm not having a blood test" I said

"Then you're not going home" he told me. I thought about it for a little while

"Fine. But you won't go will you?"

"Never" he answered hugging me tight. He kissed my cheek and the nurse came in. I didn't want to look at the needle so i hid my face in daddy's bicep again refusing to face the nurse. I gave her my arm and waited for the needle to stab me

"All done" she said. I looked out from daddy's arm

"Really? You didn't do anything" I told her

"I did. I'm just very good." She replied smiling at me. I looked up at daddy who kissed my forehead

"Good girl princess"

After half an hour, we were ready to go. Daddy said in a week we would get the blood test results back. I hope it's sooner because I don't have the patience for that. I sat on daddy's knee in the car and it was a long journey home. I felt alot better and had only vomited the once today. We got out of the car and daddy lifted me on his hip

"We're home" he said making me smile. We walked in and all heads turned towards me. 

"W...w..." aunt pol couldn't get her words out

"I'll explain later" daddy told her making everyone nod

"Well I'm glad you're back. Are you feeling better?" Uncle Arthur asked taking me in his own arms

"Yes thank you. I'm sleepy" I said. We went over to the sofa and uncle Arthur put me on Aunt esmes knee. There I fell asleep

Finn pov

As Lydia slept soundly on esmes knee, everyone turned to me for answers

"We're happy she's back home for christmas but are you sure she's well?" Ada asked

"She told us this happens every year. And normally it goes off within a few days. She is alot better apart from a stump this morning. The doctor took a blood test. Should get the results next week" I told them

"Poor girl" esme said stroking her hair

"Finn" aunt pol said


"Go sleep. She's home and she's getting better" she finished

"Ye maybe you're right. If anything happens wake me and i mean it" I told them before walking up the stairs. The moment my head hit the pillow I was out

The next day, I woke up to Lydia sitting on my chest tapping my face repeatedly

"What's wrong baby?" I asked sitting up with her on my lap facing me

"It's christmas daddy. Uncle Arthur helped me put whiskey and cookies for santa. Do you think he ate them?" She asked me excited

"We'll have to go see" I told her. She smiled and jumped down from the bed. She started to run

"Lydia Rose. No running" I yelled at her from my room. I heard her footsteps slow down but the pace quicked again. That girl never listens.

When I got dressed and went downstairs, everyone else was already there.

"Finally. Uncle finn, you slept for ages" my niece lily said, John's kid. I looked at the clock

"It's only 8am" I defended

"Ye. You're lucky lyd slept that long. We were up at 5" John said yawning making me laugh. I looked at arthur who had Charlie sat next to him. They were whispering to one another. Whatever it was about I'm sure it will piss someone off. Everyone opened their presents and i decided to leave Lydia's present until tonight. I knew if I gave it her now then I would have to deal with it all day

Lydia was well for most the day. She did throw up once but luckily she got to the bathroom on time. Apart from that, her temperature had almost completely gone and her stomach didn't seem to be bothering her

We had dinner which thanks to ada was almost burnt. We let the staff have time off on christmas for obvious reasons but that meant we had to make the dinner. Well ada was in charge of the turkey and she completely forgot about it. So we ended up having chicken instead but still nice

"Lyd, are you coming school after Christmas?" Charlie asked. She looked up at me with big puppy eyes

"Please daddy" she begged

"Go on. Let the girl go school or she might end up as thick as you" Arthur said putting me in a headlock. I got out of it and slapped him round the back

"Yes. Lydia can go school after Christmas" I gave in. Her eyes went wide and her face beamed. Her and the kids cheered

"It's really fun" lily said

"No its not. Its a living hell" johns eldest said

"Ye but it'll be alright for lyd. She's 5. Not like they do much" Katie said

"Ye. You'll be in my year lyd. We don't have to do boring work like the others" Jack told her pulling a face at his older siblings who pulled one back

"Thank you daddy" lyd whispered to me as she hugged me. I kissed her cheek and we got back to christmas celebrations

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