Sleepy (CD, V)

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A/n: Ive been gone for so freaking long its shocking.

(Carol and Valkyrie are in the tower at this time)

I was sat in the main while everyone was shouting. Me and Morgan were playing outside when we both fell down a hill and injured ourself so they were quite pissed.

Y/n)"I did not injure myself that hard relax?!"
Tony)"Fine we will relax but... Im calling your girlfriends down"
Out of nowhere Carol came down the stairs and picked me up and carried me upstairs where Valkyrie was standing there waiting for us
Val)"Y/n What the fuck happened to you?"
Y/n)"Well i was playing with Morgan on my back when i miss stepped and fell and i sprained my ankle i think"
Carol)"Well that was dumb"
y/n)"Yea it was"
I got into bed as Carol and Valkyrie went to brush there teeth as i fell to sleep. I slightly woke up when i felt the bed dip and i opened my eyes to see Val in front of me and i felt arm around my waist.
Val)*stroking y/n's Hair* "go to sleep love we will stay here till you wake up"
Y/n)"Okay night"
Carol and val)"Goodnight Love"

184 Words

Hi Guys im back :) How are you all


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