Scars (OB)

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Background: you had a tough day and you were so tired.

You felt like shit. The simplest way to put it. Some of the men in arkadia were treating you like crap and your emotions are crazy. You needed solidarity and you knew that your girlfriend, Octavia, was in her cabin.

You sluggishly walk up to her cabin, feeling scars litter all over your body from the training and torture you put your body into today. Once you got to her cabin you pushed her door open and saw her at a little desk you had made from trees nearby seemingly drawing to her hearts content but when the door opened she turned and gasped at the look on your face. You had a significant scar from your forehead to your cheek that Octavia could tell was new, your clothes were bloody from the small scars on your body and the clothes were ripped. "What happened Y/n?" Octavia commanded as she ran over to you. "The trainers were being harsh" you slurred out as she sat you on the bed as she went to grab medical supplies. "I swear to fuck I will kill who did this" Octavia gritted out while checking over your worst cut on your face. "it was just some boys from the lower section babe I'm fine" "no, no, no your not y/n. Your face is fucked up and you look so tired" Octavia replied, shutting you up in the progress.

Minutes later once Octavia had cleaned up your scars and washed the mud and blood off your body with a wet cloth. She stood by the window as you layed there watching her, wondering what she was planning. "I should train you Babe, I should make sure those fuckers don't touch you" she said breaking the silence. You hesitantly waited before replying with a simple "sure". Your lover looked towards your face, locking eyes with her, before she smiled and slowly walked towards your bed and lays down infront of you. You stay like that for a few seconds before she cups your cheek with one hand and stroking her other hand across your bandaged up face. "you know you look pretty in the moonlight love" "as if I do" you wittingly said back. "oh really well you may not think that but I do so I'm always right my love and that's final" you paused before replying "okay okay fine". Octavia smiled back before pulling you closer to her body, being careful of your scars, and moving your head to her chest as she audibly relaxed. "go to sleep now love you need to rest" "okay O... I love you"
"I love you to y/n. So goddam much"
And with that you fell to sleep in the safety of your girlfriend. Knowing that you are okay.

476 words
Wow. It has been a long time. Alot has happened and I hope to post more.

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