COD: Dates With Them

134 2 4

This was requested by @FortniteMidasRules01

-With the whole El sin nombre facade she puts up of course she has to be secretive when shes with you. (Imagine this was set after she was revealed to be El sin nombre. You know about it of course) so the way she like to do date nights is actually adorable because she will find a secretive spot in Los Almas wheather ghat be a forest of a feild in the middle of nowhere it would be something that's small and secretive. Valeria will do everything you can imagine, get food, set a nice blanket, if it's in a forest she'll put up fairy light around trees to illuminate the area. When you are brought to the place your heart flutters at the dedication you lover puts into date night and you take the time to cherish each other and eat the food she so gracefully set out. Typically those date nights end up in intimate nights if you know what I mean.

-Like Valeria, Farah keeps date nights as kind of a secret thing and generally likes to be alone with you without the distractions of war. She will take some time off of watch duty or any duties she has and will show you so much love over that time. Farah (as strong willed as she is) will do the little things to show you love like write letters, give you small kisses during the day etc etc. You Two are bound to get called into training sometimes so she will take that as a way to show you affection with nobody around. (if you've seen those scenes where someone is trying to shoot a gun and their lover is standing right behind them kissing their neck) then that happens during training. You will be trying to shoot a gun and you will feel nimble hands slide around your waist and small kisses across your neck as Farah takes tje time to ease the tension from you. It usually ends in fits of laughter as your blushing.

-With Kates relationship with you being so open it's normal for your comrades to let you two go on dates and they will take over (soap, ghost and gaz tease you alot about your relationship with Kate) when date nights come along she will normally drag you to the nearest bar that she knows both of you like and will spend the night laughing with you. If your somewhat in recovery from an injury she will make sure your okay and her hand will spend a majority of the night resting on the injured section wheather that be the ribs or thigh etc. When you two get home you would get changed into sometjing more comfortable and send the rest of the night talking to each other and kissing aswell. The trio (soap ghost and gaz) typically end up teasing you about the fate whereas Kate watchs on from a distance smiling at your antics.

Thank you to the person who requested this and I had a joy writing it. As I've mentioned if anyone want to request any more then send a message here or chest to me privately.

Anyways love you all and have a good day or night wherever you are. ❤️❤️


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