Midnight (AA)

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Now. I know how salty TLOU fans are over Abby and tlou part 2 but this is for the section of fans of abby and love her so yea

It was Saturday night, you were fast alseep as soft snores came from you, little did you know your girlfriend Abby had gotten home from a mission with the fireflies and was taking her gear off when her eyes locked with your sleeping form on the sofa. Smiling, she walked over after taking her shoes off and kneeled down next to you head.

As you were slowly pulled out of your sleep you heard her whispering "cutie" as she shook you awake. Once your eyes met with her questioning gaze she whispered again "Hi Y/n/n why are you asleep on the sofa?" she wondered as she stroked some stray hairs from my face. "I was waiting for you" you mumbled quietly as your rubbed your eyes and moved closer so you could bury your face into her neck.

You heard Abby laughing before picking you up with one hand on your thigh and the other on your back as she carried you to your shared bedroom before sitting on the bed with you still in her lap. "babeee" you whine as you struggle in her hold as she pulls your closer, moving so she's laying ontop of you with her head snuggled into neck. You giggled and played with her blonde hair and tying some into braids as her head nuzzled closer further into your neck.

Her strong arms wrapped tightly around your waist as one of her hands glided under your shirt grazing her hands over your surgery scars from years ago as she smiles into your neck "you should get a tattoo over them someday" she spoke after a few minutes breaking the silence. "I plan to someday but I can not find anyone here to do it" you replied as your head lolled back into the pillow. You felt yourself fall back to sleep as abbys hands continue to trail over the scars. You lift your head back up to see scars over her arms from the mission as hers were still around your waist. "Abs? What are these?" you ask hesitently as as you see her sit up. You immediately grab the medical kit and start bandaging her, giving her small kisses while she is grinning like crazy. After your done you lay her down and bring her to lay back againest your chest as you kiss her temple when you see her eyes slightly close. "go to sleep abs" you speak as you stroke her hair, she nods and finally falls asleep. You Kiss her forehead when you whisper "I love you abby so much" before falling to sleep as you hear a small "I love you too y/n so much" from a sleepy abby as you both fall back to sleep.

Little did you know Manny had poked his head into the room after hearing that abby was back and watched as the cute moment ensued, happy that the two lovebirds were finally relaxed before leaving the room and heading back to the main hall to chat with the WLF soilders.

I made this during a science class today and wrote it later on and I'm quite happy with this.

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